This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Testing Big Changes


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 40 min
  • What does it mean if you have to change a lot of tests while adding features?

  • What are the advantages of testing an interface?

  • Add a Rectangle class

  • Learn how to use TDD when making large changes to code

Making big changes

With this fairly simple example, we have fully tested our codebase. You can rest easy knowing the code is working as well as you’ve tested it. We have made a few changes to what the legacy code used to do and even found a bug. Still, our code functions basically the same as it did (perhaps more correct). How does testing help when we need to add features and really change code?

The answer depends on how well you tested the interface vs the implementation. If your tests are full of duplication, you will have to change a lot of the test code. Now you would want to make a commit of this version of the code and get ready to shake things up. Even if it seems like you are spending a lot of time messing with the tests, at the end once everything passes you should have the same confidence in your code.

Testing the interface vs the implementation

Consider a database object that performs a query and then can return a result as separate function calls. This is not the best design but it is a useful example

class MyDB():
    self._result: list
    def query(self, something):
        self._result = result
    def get_result(self):
        return list(self._result)

When you call query the result is saved in the _result attribute of the instance. When you get the result, a copy is returned as a list.

Consider the following two tests for query:

def test_query_1():
    my_db = MyDB()
    assert my_db._result == ['a result']

def test_query_2():
    my_db = MyDB()
    assert my_db.get_result() == ['a result']

Currently, they do the same thing. One could argue the first option is better because it only tests the query function while the second is also exercising get_result. By convention, the underscore in front of the attribute in python means it is private and you shouldn’t really access it. Since “private” is kind of meaningless in python, a better description is that it is an implementation detail which could change. Even if it weren’t private, the first test is testing internal implementation (calling query sets the result attribute) while the second is testing the interface (call query first and get_result will give you the result as a list).

Think about what happens if the _result attribute is changed from a list to a set, or dictionary. This is valid since no one should really use _result outside of the class, but in terms of testing, test_query_1 would break while test_query_2 still passes, even if the code is correct. This is annoying because you have to change a lot of test code but it is also dangerous. Tests that fail for correct code encourage you to run tests less often and can cause code and tests to diverge. Where possible, test to the interface.

Returning a new rectangle

Back to our rectangles, let’s change our rects_overlap to return a new rectangle when the arguments overlap, and None when they do not.


We will start with the basic test_rects_overlap


def test_rects_overlap():
    rectangles = {
        'a': [0, 0, 2, 2],
        'b': [1, 1, 3, 3],
        'c': [10, 10, 11, 11],

    assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangles['a'], rectangles['a']) == [0, 0, 2, 2]
    assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangles['a'], rectangles['b']) == [1, 1, 2, 2]
    assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangles['b'], rectangles['a']) == [1, 1, 2, 2]
    assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangles['a'], rectangles['c']) is None

We are failing since the first call returns True instead of our list.


Simple enough, instead of False we should return None and instead of True we need to make a new rectangle with the smaller of the coordinates.

from typing import Optional

def rects_overlap(red, blue) -> Optional[list[float]]:
    red_lo_x, red_lo_y, red_hi_x, red_hi_y = red
    blue_lo_x, blue_lo_y, blue_hi_x, blue_hi_y = blue

    if (red_lo_x >= blue_hi_x) or (red_hi_x <= blue_lo_x) or \
            (red_lo_y >= blue_hi_y) or (red_hi_y <= blue_lo_y):
        return None

    x1 = max(red_lo_x, blue_lo_x)
    x2 = min(red_hi_x, blue_hi_x)
    y1 = max(red_lo_y, blue_lo_y)
    y2 = min(red_hi_y, blue_hi_y)
    return [x1, y1, x2, y2]

We are passing the new test_rects_overlap but failing another 6 tests! That’s because many tests are still testing the old behavior. If you have kept tests DRY and not tested the implementation, this should be quick to fix, otherwise take the opportunity to refactor your tests!

For us, the test_rects_overlap_permutation will accept a rectangle as the result. On each loop iteration, we need to rotate the result rectangle. Since None is a valid rectangle now, rotate_rectangle needs to handle it appropriately. Here is the finished test method:

    ([0, 0, 2, 3], rectangle_strs[0], [0, 0, 1, 1]),
    ([1, -1, 2, 1], rectangle_strs[1], None),
    ([0, -2, 0.5, 0], rectangle_strs[2], [0, -1, 0.5, 0]),
    ([1, 1, 2, 2], rectangle_strs[3], None),
    ([2, 2, 3, 3], rectangle_strs[4], None),
    ([0, 0, 0.5, 0.5], rectangle_strs[5], [0, 0, 0.5, 0.5]),
def test_rects_overlap_permutations(rectangle_2, rectangle_str, result):
    rectangle_1 = [-1, -1, 1, 1]

    for i in range(4):
        assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangle_1, rectangle_2) == result, (
                f"Failed rects_overlap({rectangle_1}, {rectangle_2}) "
                f"on rotation {i}. {rectangle_str}")

        assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangle_2, rectangle_1) == result, (
                f"Failed rects_overlap({rectangle_2}, {rectangle_1}) "
                f"on rotation {i}. {rectangle_str}")

        rectangle_2 = rotate_rectangle(rectangle_2)
        result = rotate_rectangle(result)

def rotate_rectangle(rectangle):
    if rectangle is None:
        return None

    x1, y1, x2, y2 = rectangle
    x1, y1 = y1, -x1
    x2, y2 = y2, -x2

    # make sure x1 <= x2, value = [x1, y1, x2, y2]
    x1, x2 = min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2)
    y1, y2 = min(y1, y2), max(y1, y2)

    return [x1, y1, x2, y2]


Since our tests are fairly small and not too coupled to the implementation we don’t have to change anything. If you had written the permutation function as 48 separate tests, it would make sense to refactor that while updating the return values!

End-to-end test?

You may be surprised our end to end test is still passing. This is a feature of python more than any design of our system. The line

result = '1' if rects_overlap(red_coords, blue_coords) else '0'

works properly because None evaluates as False while a non-empty list evaluates as True in a boolean context.

Take a minute to reflect on this change. Creating a new rectangle is non-trivial, it would be easy to mix up a min or max or introduce a copy/paste error. Since we have tests, we can be confident we made this change correctly. With our end-to-end test we further know that our main method is behaving exactly the same as well.

A Rectangle Object

Any decent OOP developer would be pulling their hair over using a list of 4 numbers as a rectangle when you could have a full object hierarchy! We have another design decision before we really dig into the changes, how much should we support the old format of a rectangle as a list of numbers? Coming from strict, static typing you may be inclined to say “not at all” but python gains power from its duck typing.

Consider adding support for comparing a rectangle to a list of numbers. If you support lists fully we can maintain the same tests. However, a user may not expect a list to equal a rectangle and could cause problems with other code. Since we want to focus on writing tests instead of advanced python we will try to replace everything with rectangles. In real applications you may want to transiently add support for comparisons to lists so the tests pass to confirm any other logic is sound. After the tests are converted to rectangles you would alter your __eq__ method to only compare with other rectangles.

Without getting carried away, we want our rectangles to support

Afterwards, our main loop code will change from

result = '1' if rects_overlap(red_coords, blue_coords) else '0'
# to
overlap_area = red_rectangle.overlap(blue_rectangle).area()

We will also need to change code in our read_rectangles and rects_overlap functions as well as main.

Order of Operations

Should we start with converting our existing tests or making new tests for the rectangle object?


It’s better to work from bottom up, e.g. test creating a rectangle before touching read_rectangles.

Imaging a red, green, refactor cycle where you start with updating read_rectangles to return a (yet unimplemented) Rectangle object. First change your tests to expect a Rectangle to get them failing. The problem is to get them passing you need to add code to create a rectangle and test for equality. It’s possible but then you don’t have unit tests for those functions. Furthermore, that breaks with the idea that TDD cycles should be short; you have to add a lot of code to get things passing!

TDD: Creating Rectangles

Starting with a new test, we will simply check that a new rectangle can be created from named arguments.

def test_create_rectangle_named_parameters():
    assert overlap.Rectangle(x1=1.1, x2=2, y1=4, y2=3)

Fails because there is no Rectangle object yet. To get green, we are going to use a python dataclass:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Rectangle:
    x1: float
    y1: float
    x2: float
    y2: float

The dataclass produces a default __init__ and __eq__.

How about rectangles from lists?

def test_create_rectangle_from_list():
    assert overlap.Rectangle.from_list([1.1, 4, 2, 3])

Here we are using the order of parameters matching the existing implementation. The code uses a bit of advanced python but should be clear:

class Rectangle:
    # ...
    def from_list(cls, coordinates: list[float]):
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = coordinates
        return cls(x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2)

And let’s add a test for the incorrect number of values in the list:

def test_create_rectangle_from_list_wrong_number_of_args():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
        overlap.Rectangle.from_list([1.1, 4, 2])
    assert "Incorrect number of coordinates " in str(error)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
        overlap.Rectangle.from_list([1.1, 4, 2, 2, 2])
    assert "Incorrect number of coordinates " in str(error)

And update the code.

class Rectangle:
    # ...
    def from_list(cls, coordinates: list[float]):
        if len(coordinates) != 4:
            raise ValueError(f"Incorrect number of coordinates for '{coordinates}'")
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = coordinates
        return cls(x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2)

Notice that we now have some code duplication since we use the same check in read_rectangles. But we can’t remove it until we start using the Rectangle there.

TDD: Testing equality

Instead of checking our rectangles are just not None, let’s see if they are what we expect:

def test_create_rectangle_named_parameters():
    assert overlap.Rectangle(1.1, 4, 2, 3) == overlap.Rectangle(1.1, 3, 2, 4)
    assert overlap.Rectangle(x1=1.1, x2=2, y1=4, y2=3) == overlap.Rectangle(1.1, 3, 2, 4)

def test_create_rectangle_from_list():
    assert overlap.Rectangle.from_list([1.1, 4, 2, 3]) == overlap.Rectangle(1.1, 3, 2, 4)

Here we use unnamed parameters during initialization to check for equality. The order of attributes in the dataclass determines the order of assignment. Since that’s fairly brittle, consider adding kw_only for production code.

This fails not because of an issue with __eq__ but the __init__, we aren’t ensuring our expected ordering of x1 <= x2. You could overwrite __init__ but instead we will use a __post_init__ to valid the attributes.

class Rectangle:
    x1: float
    y1: float
    x2: float
    y2: float

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.x1, self.x2 = min(self.x1, self.x2), max(self.x1, self.x2)
        self.y1, self.y2 = min(self.y1, self.y2), max(self.y1, self.y2)

Note this also fixes the issue with from_list as it calls __init__ as well. If we later decide to add an attribute like color the __init__ method would update and our __post_init__ would function as intended.

TDD: Calculate Area

For area we can come up with a few simple tests:

def test_rectangle_area():
    assert overlap.Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1).area() == 1
    assert overlap.Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 2).area() == 2
    assert overlap.Rectangle(0, 1, 2, 2).area() == 2
    assert overlap.Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0).area() == 0
    assert overlap.Rectangle(0, 0, 0.3, 0.3).area() == 0.09
    assert overlap.Rectangle(0.1, 0, 0.4, 0.3).area() == 0.09

The code shouldn’t be too surprising:

class Rectangle:

    def area(self):
        return (self.x2-self.x1) * (self.y2-self.y1)

But you may be surprised that the last assert is failing, even though the second to last is passing. Again we are struck by the limits of floating point precision.

Fix the tests

Fix the issue of floating point comparison. Hint, look up pytest.approx.


   assert overlap.Rectangle(0.1, 0, 0.4, 0.3).area() == pytest.approx(0.09)

To be thorough, you should approximate the line above as well. While it doesn’t fail here, a different machine may have different precision.

TDD: Overlap

Now we have the challenge of replacing the rects_overlap function with a Rectangle method with the following signature def overlap(self, other: Rectangle) -> Rectangle.

Red, green, refactor

Perform an iteration of TDD to add the overlap method to Rectangle. Hint, start with only the test_rects_overlap test for now.



def test_rectangle_overlap():
    rectangles = {
        'a': overlap.Rectangle(0, 0, 2, 2),
        'b': overlap.Rectangle(1, 1, 3, 3),
        'c': overlap.Rectangle(10, 10, 11, 11),

    assert rectangles['a'].overlap(rectangles['a']) == overlap.Rectangle(0, 0, 2, 2)
    assert rectangles['a'].overlap(rectangles['b']) == overlap.Rectangle(1, 1, 2, 2)
    assert rectangles['b'].overlap(rectangles['a']) == overlap.Rectangle(1, 1, 2, 2)
    assert rectangles['a'].overlap(rectangles['c']) is None


You can copy most of the current code to the new method with changes to variable names.

class Rectangle:

    def overlap(self, other):
        if (self.x1 >= other.x2) or \
                (self.x2 <= other.x1) or \
                (self.y1 >= other.y2) or \
                (self.y2 <= other.y1):
            return None

        return Rectangle(
            x1=max(self.x1, other.x1),
            y1=max(self.y1, other.y1),
            x2=min(self.x2, other.x2),
            y2=min(self.y2, other.y2),

This was after refactoring to get rid of extra variables. Since we can use named arguments for new rectangles, we don’t have to set x1 separately for clarity.


While it’s tempting to go forth and replace all rects_overlap calls now, we need to work on some other tests first.

Wrapping up the overlap tests, we need to work on rotate_rectangle and the overlap permutations function. I think it makes sense to move our rotate function to Rectangle now. While we don’t use it in our main method, the class is becoming general enough to be used outside our current script.

def test_rotate_rectangle():
    rectangle = overlap.Rectangle(1, 2, 3, 3)

    rectangle = rectangle.rotate()
    assert rectangle == overlap.Rectangle(2, -3, 3, -1)

    rectangle = rectangle.rotate()
    assert rectangle == overlap.Rectangle(-3, -3, -1, -2)

    rectangle = rectangle.rotate()
    assert rectangle == overlap.Rectangle(-3, 1, -2, 3)

    rectangle = rectangle.rotate()
    assert rectangle == overlap.Rectangle(1, 2, 3, 3)

The special case when Rectangle is None is not handled anymore since you can’t call the method rotate on a None object.

class Rectangle:

    def rotate(self):
        return Rectangle(

That is much cleaner than the last version. Now to handle our None rectangles, we will keep our rotate_rectangle helper function in the test code to wrap our method dispatch and modify our test:

def rotate_rectangle(rectangle):
    if rectangle is None:
        return None
    return rectangle.rotate()

        (overlap.Rectangle(0, 0, 2, 3), rectangle_strs[0], overlap.Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1)),
        (overlap.Rectangle(1, -1, 2, 1), rectangle_strs[1], None),
        (overlap.Rectangle(0, -2, 0.5, 0), rectangle_strs[2], overlap.Rectangle(0, -1, 0.5, 0)),
        (overlap.Rectangle(1, 1, 2, 2), rectangle_strs[3], None),
        (overlap.Rectangle(2, 2, 3, 3), rectangle_strs[4], None),
        (overlap.Rectangle(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5), rectangle_strs[5], overlap.Rectangle(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5)),
def test_rectangles_overlap_permutations(rectangle_2, rectangle_str, result):
    rectangle_1 = overlap.Rectangle(-1, -1, 1, 1)

    for i in range(4):
        assert rectangle_1.overlap(rectangle_2) == result, (
            f"Failed {rectangle_1}.overlap({rectangle_2}) "
            f"on rotation {i}. {rectangle_str}")

        assert rectangle_2.overlap(rectangle_1) == result, (
            f"Failed {rectangle_2}.overlap({rectangle_1}) "
            f"on rotation {i}. {rectangle_str}")

        rectangle_2 = rotate_rectangle(rectangle_2)
        result = rotate_rectangle(result)

And we can almost get rid of rects_overlap entirely. It’s not in our tests, but we do use it in our main script. The last function to change is read_rectangles.

TDD: Read rectangles

Red, green, refactor

Perform an iteration of TDD to make the read_rectangles function return Rectangles.



It’s best to start with the simple method then clean up failures on refactor.

def test_read_rectangles_simple(simple_input):
    rectangles = overlap.read_rectangles(simple_input)
    assert rectangles == {
        'a': overlap.Rectangle(0, 0, 2, 2),
        'b': overlap.Rectangle(1, 1, 3, 3),
        'c': overlap.Rectangle(10, 10, 11, 11),


The original code dealing with coordinate ordering and number of coordinates can be removed as that’s now handled by Rectangle.

def read_rectangles(rectangles: Iterable[str]) -> dict[str, Rectangle]:
    result = {}
    for rectangle in rectangles:
        name, *coords = rectangle.split()
            value = [float(c) for c in coords]
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(f"Non numeric value provided as input for '{rectangle}'")

        result[name] = Rectangle.from_list(value)

    return result

This is not a real green since other tests are failing, but at least test_read_rectangles_simple is passing.


You have to touch a lot of test code to get everything passing. Also you need to modify the main method. Afterwards you can finally remove rects_overlap.

TDD: Area of overlap

Recall we set out to do all this in order to output the area of the overlap of a rectangle, instead of just 1 when rectangles overlap. That change will only affect our end to end test. It may be prudent to extract the line

result = '1' if red_rect.overlap(blue_rect) else '0'

into a separate function to exercise it more fully, but for now we will leave it.

Red, green, refactor

Perform an iteration of TDD to make the main function output the area of overlap.



Our simple rectangles aren’t the best for testing, but we are at least confident our area method is well tested elsewhere.

def test_end_to_end(simple_input):
    # initialize a StringIO with a string to read from
    infile = simple_input
    # this holds our output
    outfile = StringIO()
    # call the function
    overlap.main(infile, outfile)
    output = outfile.getvalue().split('\n')
    assert output[0] == '4.0\t1.0\t0'
    assert output[1] == '1.0\t4.0\t0'
    assert output[2] == '0\t0\t1.0'


def main(infile, outfile):
    rectangles = read_rectangles(infile)

    for red_name, red_rect in rectangles.items():
        output_line = []
        for blue_name, blue_rect in rectangles.items():
            overlap = red_rect.overlap(blue_rect)
            result = str(overlap.area()) if overlap else '0'

        outfile.write('\t'.join(output_line) + '\n')


You may consider changing the formatting of the floats, but otherwise we are done!

Big Conclusions

Take a breath, we are out of the deep end of rectangles for now. At this point, you may think TDD has slowed you down; sometimes a simple change of code required touching a lot of test code just to have the same performance and functionality. If that’s your impression, consider the following:

As you move into open source projects or work with multiple collaborators, fully tested codebases make sure the quality of the project won’t degrade as long as tests are informative, fast, and fun to write.

Key Points

  • Changing a lot of test code for minor features can indicate your tests are not DRY and heavily coupled.

  • Testing a module’s interface focuses tests on what a user would typically observe. You don’t have to change as many tests when internal change.