This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Refactoring for Testing


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 40 min
  • Why are long methods hard to test?

  • Learn some key refactoring methods to change code safely.

  • Modify the overlap script to support a Rectangle object.

Monolithic Main Methods

One of the smelliest code smells that new developers make is having a single main method which spans several hundred (thousand?) lines. Even if the code is perfect, long methods are an anti-pattern because they require a reader of the code to have exceptionally good working memory to understand the method. It also becomes impossible to reuse part of the code elsewhere.

Consider the following two sections of code:

if user is not None and user in database and database[user]['type'] == 'admin':
    # do admin work

#### vs ####
def user_is_admin(user, database):
    return user is not None and user in database and database[user]['type'] == 'admin'

if user_is_admin(user, database):
    # do admin work

The second version puts less stress on the reader because when they see the function called user_is_admin they can treat it like a black box until they are interested in the internals. But we are here to talk about testing!

Consider writing a test for the first version, where all the logic of what makes a user an admin is in the if statement. To even get to this line of code you will have to set up your system and possibly mock or replace other function calls. As a separate function, your test becomes a unit test, exercising a small piece of code. Here is a possible pytest:

def test_user_is_admin():
    user = None
    database = {}
    assert user_is_admin(user, database) is False, "None user is not an admin"

    user = "Jim"
    database = {}
    assert user_is_admin(user, database) is False, "User not in database"

    database = {"Jim": {"type": "regular"}}
    assert user_is_admin(user, database) is False, "User is not an admin"

    database = {"Jim": {"type": "admin"}}
    assert user_is_admin(user, database) is True, "User is an admin"

A surprising benefit of TDD and testing is that having to write code with tests makes your code better! It’s just too hard to write tests for bad code; if you have to write a test then it’s easier to just write better code.

Safe Refactoring and TDD

Reading in Rectangles

Now back to our overlap code. You have inherited a monolithic main method, how do you go about breaking it up? Some IDEs have functions for extracting a method or attribute but we are following TDD and need to write a failing test first. Let’s start with the first portion of our existing main method, reading in the dict:



def main(infile, outfile):
    # build rectangle struct
    dict = {}
    for line in infile:
        name, *coords = line.split()
        dict[name] = [int(c) for c in coords]

We have a design decision to make. Should we extract the entire for loop or just the inside? The current code works with an open file, but any iterable could do (say a list of strings). Your decision should be informed by what is useful and what is easy to test. Having a function to convert a string to a rectangle could be handy, but for now we will take the entire for loop.

def test_read_rectangles_simple(simple_input):
    rectangles = overlap.read_rectangles(simple_input)
    assert rectangles == {
        'a': [0, 0, 2, 2],
        'b': [1, 1, 3, 3],
        'c': [10, 10, 11, 11],

Which fails because we don’t have a method named read_rectangles. Note that we have already decided on a name for the function, its arguments and return values without touching our source code.


Now we can pull out the function and replace that for loop with a function call.

Fix the code

Change the overlap file to make the above test pass.


def main(infile, outfile):
   dict = read_rectangles(infile)

def read_rectangles(infile):
   result = {}
   for line in infile:
       name, *coords = line.split()
       result[name] = [int(c) for c in coords]
   return result

When you start refactoring like this go slow and in parts. Make the function first and when the test_read_rectangles passes replace the code in the main method. Your end to end test should still pass and tell you if something is wrong. Note we can remove the comment because the function name is self documenting.


With read rectangles pulled out, let’s rename our dict to rectangles. Since the argument to our function can be any iterable of strings, we can also rename it to rectangles and add a type annotation to show what we expect as input. Now is also the time to add a doc string. Make changes step-wise and run your tests frequently.

from import Iterable

def main(infile, outfile):
    rectangles = read_rectangles(infile)

def read_rectangles(rectangles: Iterable[str]) -> dict[str, list[float]]:
    result = {}
    for rectangle in rectangles:
        name, *coords = rectangle.split()
        result[name] = [int(c) for c in coords]
    return result

Note our return value is a list of floats, ints are implied by that and we may want to support floats later (hint, we do!).

Test like an enemy

With a small, testable method in place, we can start adding features and get creative. Often you will take the mindset of an adversary of a codebase. This is generally easier with someone else’s code because you can think “I bet they didn’t think of this” instead of “why didn’t I think of this”, but being self deprecating gets easier with practice.

Think of all the ways the overlap code could break, all the things that aren’t tested, and how you would expect them to be handled. Remember users aren’t perfect so expect non-optimal inputs. It’s better to fail early (and descriptively) than several lines or modules away.

Red-Green-Refactor the read_rectangles

Pick one of the following and work through a red-green-refactor cycle to address it. Work on more as time permits. Remember to keep each phase short and run pytest often. Stop adding code once a test starts passing.

  • How to handle empty input?
  • Non-numeric X and Y coordinates?
  • X and Y coordinates that are floats?
  • X and Y coordinates not equal? (how are we not testing this!)
  • X and Y coordinates are not in increasing order?
  • Incorrect number of coordinates supplied?
  • Any others you can think of?

Often there isn’t one right answer. When the user gives an empty file, should that be an empty result or throw an error? The answer may not matter, but formalizing it as a test forces you to answer and document such questions. Look up pytest.raises for how to test if an exception is thrown.


Here is one set of tests and passing code. You may have chosen different behavior for some changes.

def test_read_rectangles_empty_input_empty_output():
   rectangles = overlap.read_rectangles([])
   assert rectangles == {}

def test_read_rectangles_non_numeric_coord_raise_error():
   with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
       overlap.read_rectangles(['a a a a a'])
   assert "Non numeric value provided as input for 'a a a a a'" in str(error)

def test_read_rectangles_accepts_floats():
   lines = ['a 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0']
   rectangles = overlap.read_rectangles(lines)
   coords = rectangles['a']
   # Note that 0.3 != 0.1 + 0.2 due to floating point error, use pytest.approx
   assert coords[0] == pytest.approx(0.1 + 0.2)
   assert coords[1] == 0.3
   assert coords[2] == 1.0
   assert coords[3] == 1.0

def test_read_rectangles_not_equal_coords():
   lines = ['a 1 2 3 4']
   rectangles = overlap.read_rectangles(lines)
   assert rectangles == {'a': [1, 2, 3, 4]}

def test_read_rectangles_fix_order_of_coords():
   lines = ['a 3 4 1 2']
   rectangles = overlap.read_rectangles(lines)
   assert rectangles == {'a': [1, 2, 3, 4]}

def test_read_rectangles_incorrect_number_of_coords_raise_error():
   with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
       overlap.read_rectangles(['a 1'])
   assert "Incorrect number of coordinates for 'a 1'" in str(error)

   with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
   assert "Incorrect number of coordinates for 'a'" in str(error)
def read_rectangles(rectangles: Iterable[str]) -> dict[str, list[float]]:
   result = {}
   for rectangle in rectangles:
       name, *coords = rectangle.split()
           value = [float(c) for c in coords]
       except ValueError:
           raise ValueError(f"Non numeric value provided as input for '{rectangle}'")

       if len(value) != 4:
           raise ValueError(f"Incorrect number of coordinates for '{rectangle}'")

       # make sure x1 <= x2, value = [x1, y1, x2, y2]
       value[0], value[2] = min(value[0], value[2]), max(value[0], value[2])
       value[1], value[3] = min(value[1], value[3]), max(value[1], value[3])
       result[name] = value
   return result

Notice how the test code is much longer than the source code, this is typical for well-tested code.

A good question is, do we need to update our end-to-end test to cover all these pathological cases? The answer is no (for most). We already know our read_rectangles will handle the incorrect number of coordinates by throwing an informative error so it would be redundant to see if the main method has the same behavior. However, it would be useful to document what happens if an empty input file is supplied. Maybe you want read_rectangles to return an empty dict but the main method should warn the user or fail.

The decision not to test something in multiple places is more important than being efficient with our time writing tests. Say we want to change the message printed for one of the improper input cases. If the same function is tested multiple places we need to update multiple tests that are effectively covering the same feature. Remember that tests are code and should be kept DRY. Tests that are hard to change don’t get run and code eventually degrades back to a legacy version.

Testing testing for overlap

We have arrived to the largest needed refactoring, the overlap code. This is the internals of the nested for loop.

for blue_name, blue_coords in rectangles.items():
    # check if rects overlap
    result = '1'

    red_lo_x, red_lo_y, red_hi_x, red_hi_y = red_coords
    blue_lo_x, blue_lo_y, blue_hi_x, blue_hi_y = blue_coords

    if (red_lo_x >= blue_hi_x) or (red_hi_x <= blue_lo_x) or \
            (red_lo_y >= blue_hi_x) or (red_hi_y <= blue_lo_y):
        result = '0'

Like before, we want to write a failing test first and extract this method. When that is in place we can start getting creative to test more interesting cases. Finally, to support our original goal (reporting the percent overlap) we will change our return type to another rectangle.

Red-Green-Refactor rects_overlap

Extract the inner for loop code. The signature should be:

def rects_overlap(red, blue) -> bool: ...


For testing, I’m using the simple input, when parsed from read_rectangles. Notice that if we had used read_rectangles to do the parsing we would add a dependency between that function and this one. If we change (break) read_rectangles this would break too even though nothing is wrong with rects_overlap. However, uncoupling them completely doesn’t capture how they interact in code. Consider the drawbacks before deciding what to use.

def test_rects_overlap():
   rectangles = {
       'a': [0, 0, 2, 2],
       'b': [1, 1, 3, 3],
       'c': [10, 10, 11, 11],

   assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangles['a'], rectangles['a']) is True
   assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangles['a'], rectangles['b']) is True
   assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangles['b'], rectangles['a']) is True
   assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangles['a'], rectangles['c']) is False
def main(infile, outfile):
   rectangles = read_rectangles(infile)

   for red_name, red_coords in rectangles.items():
       output_line = []
       for blue_name, blue_coords in rectangles.items():
           result = '1' if rects_overlap(red_coords, blue_coords) else '0'

       outfile.write('\t'.join(output_line) + '\n')

def rects_overlap(red, blue) -> bool:
   red_lo_x, red_lo_y, red_hi_x, red_hi_y = red
   blue_lo_x, blue_lo_y, blue_hi_x, blue_hi_y = blue

   if (red_lo_x >= blue_hi_x) or (red_hi_x <= blue_lo_x) or \
           (red_lo_y >= blue_hi_x) or (red_hi_y <= blue_lo_y):
       return False

   return True

Now we can really put the function through it’s paces. Here are some rectangles to guide your testing:

     ┌───┐     ┌──┬──┐   ┌──────┐    ┌─┐    
     │  ┌┼─┐   │  │  │   │ ┌──┐ │    └─┼─┐  
     └──┼┘ │   └──┴──┘   └─┼──┼─┘      └─┘  
        └──┘               └──┘             

For each, consider swapping the red and blue labels and rotating 90 degrees. Rotating a coordinate 90 degrees clockwise is simply swapping x and y while negating the new y value. If you thought the rotation function would be useful elsewhere, you could add it to your script, but for now we will keep it in our pytest code. First, write some failing unit tests of our new helper function:

def test_rotate_rectangle():
    rectangle = [1, 2, 3, 3]

    rectangle = rotate_rectangle(rectangle)
    assert rectangle == [2, -3, 3, -1]

    rectangle = rotate_rectangle(rectangle)
    assert rectangle == [-3, -3, -1, -2]

    rectangle = rotate_rectangle(rectangle)
    assert rectangle == [-3, 1, -2, 3]

    rectangle = rotate_rectangle(rectangle)
    assert rectangle == [1, 2, 3, 3]

Writing out the different permutations was challenging (for me, at least), probably related to having unnamed attributes for our rectangle as a list of numbers… Then you need to produce the correct rectangle where x1 <= x2.

def rotate_rectangle(rectangle):
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = rectangle
    x1, y1 = y1, -x1
    x2, y2 = y2, -x2

    # make sure x1 <= x2, value = [x1, y1, x2, y2]
    x1, x2 = min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2)
    y1, y2 = min(y1, y2), max(y1, y2)

    return [x1, y1, x2, y2]

Notice this is still in our test file. We don’t want it in our project and it’s just a helper for our tests, we could use it elsewhere in later tests. Since the function is non-trivial we also have it tested. For helper functions that mutate or wrap inputs, you could have them non-tested but beware the simple helper function may evolve into something more complex!

Test the first overlap orientation

Start with the first type of overlap (over corners). Set one rectangle to (-1, -1, 1, 1) and place the second rectangle. Transform the second rectangle by rotating it around the origin 3 times and test the rects_overlap function for each overlap and red/blue assignment. Hint: pytest code is still python!


With our rotate_rectangle function in hand, the test function needs to test rects_overlap twice (swapping arguments each time) then rotate the second rectangle. Note the choice of centering the first rectangle on the origin makes it rotationally invariant. Here is a test function, notice that the assert statements have a clear message as it would otherwise be difficult to tell when a test failed.

def test_rects_overlap_permutations():
   rectangle_1 = [-1, -1, 1, 1]
   rectangle_2 = [0, 0, 2, 3]
   result = True

   for i in range(4):
       assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangle_1, rectangle_2) == result, (
           f"Failed rects_overlap({rectangle_1}, {rectangle_2}) "
           f"on rotation {i}")

       assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangle_2, rectangle_1) == result, (
           f"Failed rects_overlap({rectangle_2}, {rectangle_1}) "
           f"on rotation {i}")

       rectangle_2 = rotate_rectangle(rectangle_2)

I declare the result to simplify parameterize introduced next.

We have test_rects_overlap_permutations written for one rectangle. You may be tempted to copy and paste the function multiple times and declare a different rectangle_2 and result for each orientation we came up with above. To avoid code duplication, you could make our test a helper function, but pytest has a better builtin option, parameterize.


Parametrizing a test function allows you to easily repeat its execution with different input values. Using parameters cuts down on duplication and can vastly increase the input space you can explore by nesting parameters.

Let’s work on testing the following function:

def square_sometimes(value, condition):
    if condition:
        raise ValueError()
    return value ** 2

Fully testing this function requires testing a variety of values and ensuring when condition is True the function instead raises an error. Here are a few tests showing how you could write multiple test functions:

def test_square_sometimes_number_false():
    assert square_sometimes(4, False) == 16

def test_square_sometimes_number_true():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        square_sometimes(4, True)

def test_square_sometimes_list_false():
    assert square_sometimes([1, 1], False) == [1, 1, 1, 1]

def test_square_sometimes_list_true():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        square_sometimes([1, 1], True)

Hopefully that code duplication is making your skin crawl! Maybe instead you write a helper function to check the value of condition:

def square_sometimes_test_helper(value, condition, output):
    if condition:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            square_sometimes(value, condition)
        assert square_sometimes(value, condition) == output

Then you can replace some of your tests with the helper calls:

def test_square_sometimes_number():
    square_sometimes_test_helper(4, False, 16)
    square_sometimes_test_helper(4, True, 16)

def test_square_sometimes_list():
    square_sometimes_test_helper([1, 1], False, [1, 1, 1, 1])
    square_sometimes_test_helper([1, 1], True, [1, 1, 1, 1])

You could imagine wrapping the helper calls in a loop and you’d basically have a parametrized test. Using pytest.mark.parametrize you’d instead have:

        (4, 16),
        ([1,1], [1,1,1,1]),
        ('asdf', 'asdfasdf'),
@pytest.mark.paramterize('condition', [True, False])
def test_square_sometimes(value, condition, output):
    if condition:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            square_sometimes(value, condition)
        assert square_sometimes(value, condition) == output

pytest will generate the cross product of all nested parameters, here producing 6 tests. Notice how there is no code duplication and if you come up with another test input, you just have to add it to the ‘value,output’ list; testing each condition will automatically happen. Compared with coding the loops yourself, pytest generates better error reporting on what set of parameters failed. Like most of pytest, there is a lot more we aren’t covering like mixing parameters and fixtures.

Here is the parameterized version of test_rects_overlap_permutations. I added the unicode rectangle images because I already made them above and it seemed like a shame to not reuse. Normally I wouldn’t spend time making them and instead use a text descriptor, e.g. “Corners overlap”.

rectangle_strs = ['''
│  ┌┼─┐
└──┼┘ │
│  │  │
│ ┌──┐ │
└─┘ ┌─┐
│  ┌─┐ │
│  └─┘ │
        ([0, 0, 2, 3], rectangle_strs[0], True),
        ([1, -1, 2, 1], rectangle_strs[1], False),
        ([0, -2, 0.5, 0], rectangle_strs[2], True),
        ([1, 1, 2, 2], rectangle_strs[3], False),
        ([2, 2, 3, 3], rectangle_strs[4], False),
        ([0, 0, 0.5, 0.5], rectangle_strs[5], True),
def test_rects_overlap_permutations(rectangle_2, rectangle_str, result):
    rectangle_1 = [-1, -1, 1, 1]

    for i in range(4):
        assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangle_1, rectangle_2) == result, (
            f"Failed rects_overlap({rectangle_1}, {rectangle_2}) "
            f"on rotation {i}. {rectangle_str}")

        assert overlap.rects_overlap(rectangle_2, rectangle_1) == result, (
            f"Failed rects_overlap({rectangle_2}, {rectangle_1}) "
            f"on rotation {i}. {rectangle_str}")

        rectangle_2 = rotate_rectangle(rectangle_2)

Now failed tests will also show the image along with information to recreate any failures. Running the above should fail… Time to get back to green.

Note that with parameterize, each set of parameters will be run, e.g. failing on the second rectangle will not affect the running on the third rectangle.

Fix the code

Work on the source code for rects_overlap until all the code passes. Hint: try pytest --pdb which launches pdb at the site of the first assertion error.


Only one set of rectangles is failing and it’s on the first rotation. That should indicate our tests are working properly and perhaps there is a more subtle bug hiding in our code. Hopefully it didn’t take too long to see there is a copy paste error in the if statement.

   if (red_lo_x >= blue_hi_x) or (red_hi_x <= blue_lo_x) or \
           (red_lo_y >= blue_hi_x) or (red_hi_y <= blue_lo_y):
                              # ^ should be y!

Notice that all our other tests didn’t exercise this condition. If we weren’t rotating each case we would have also missed this. At least the fix is easy.

In contrast to the last implementation change we made (removing the trailing tab character) this bug fix is more serious. You have revealed an error in code that was previously published! Were this a real example, you should open an issue with the original code and consider rerunning any dependent analyses to see if results fundamentally change. It may be by chance that branch of code never actually ran and it didn’t matter if it were wrong. Maybe only 1% of cases were miscalled. That would require just a new version to patch the issue. Larger changes in the results may necessitate a revision or retraction of the original publication.

Key Points

  • Testing long methods is difficult since you can’t pinpoint a few lines of logic.

  • Testable code is also good code!

  • Changing code without tests can be dangerous. Work slowly and carefully making only the simplest changes first.

  • Write tests with an adversarial viewpoint.

  • Keep tests DRY, fixtures and parameter can help.