This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)


Environments and task runners


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How do you install and manage packages?

  • How can you ensure others run the same code you do?

  • Learn about virtual environments

  • Use a task runner to manage environments and run code

You will see two very common recommendations when installing a package:

pip install <package>         # Use only in virtual environment!
pip install --user <package>  # Almost never use

Don’t use them unless you know exactly what you are doing! The first one will try to install globally, and if you don’t have permission, will install to your user site packages. In global site packages, you can get conflicting versions of libraries, you can’t tell what you’ve installed for what, packages can update and break your system; it’s a mess. And user site packages are worse, because all installs of Python on your computer share it, so you might override and break things you didn’t intend to. And with pip’s new smart solver, updating packages inside a global environment can take many minutes and produce unexpectedly solves that are technically “correct” but don’t work because it backsolved conflicts to before issues were discovered.

There is a solution: virtual environments (libraries) or pipx (applications).

There are likely a few libraries (ideally just pipx) that you just have to install globally. Go ahead, but be careful (and always use your system package manager instead if you can, like brew on macOS or the Windows ones – Linux package managers tend to be too old to use for Python libraries).

Virtual Environments

The following uses the standard library venv module. The virtualenv module can be installed from PyPI, and works identically, though is a bit faster and provides newer pip by default.

Python 3 comes with the venv module built-in, which supports making virtual environments. To make one, you call the module with

python3 -m venv .venv

This creates links to Python and pip in .venv/bin, and creates a site-packages directory at .venv/lib. You can just use .venv/bin/python if you want, but many users prefer to source the activation script:

. .venv/bin/activate

(Shell specific, but there are activation scripts for all common shells here). Now .venv/bin has been added to your PATH, and usually your shell’s prompt will be modified to indicate you are “in” a virtual environment. You can now use python, pip, and anything you install into the virtualenv without having to prefix it with .venv/bin/.

Check the version of pip installed! If it’s old, you might want to run pip install -U pip or, for modern versions of Python, you can add --upgrade-deps to the venv creation line.

To “leave” the virtual environment, you undo those changes by running the deactivate function the activation added to your shell:


What about conda?

The same concerns apply to Conda. You should avoid installing things to the base environment, and instead make environments and use those above. Quick tips:

conda config --set auto_activate_base false  # turn off the default environment
conda env create -n some_name  # or use paths with `-p`
conda activate some_name
conda deactivate


There are many Python packages that provide a command line interface and are not really intended to be imported (pip, for example, should not be imported). It is really inconvenient to have to set up venvs for every command line tool you want to install, however. pipx, from the makers of pip, solves this problem for you. If you pipx install a package, it will be created inside a new virtual environment, and just the executable scripts will be exposed in your regular shell.

Pipx also has a pipx run <package> command, which will download a package and run a script of the same name, and will cache the temporary environment for a week. This means you have all of PyPI at your fingertips in one line on any computer that has pipx installed!

Task runner (nox)

A task runner, like make (fully general), rake (Ruby general), invoke (Python general), tox (Python packages), or nox (Python simi-general), is a tool that lets you specify a set of tasks via a common interface. These can be a crutch, allowing poor packaging practices to be employed behind a custom script, and they can hide what is actually happening.

Nox has two strong points that help with this concern. First, it is very explicit, and even prints what it is doing as it operates. Unlike the older tox, it does not have any implicit assumptions built-in. Second, it has very elegant built-in support for both virtual and Conda environments. This can greatly reduce new contributor friction with your codebase.

A daily developer is not expected to use nox for simple tasks, like running tests or linting. You should not rely on nox to make a task that should be made simple and standard (like building a package) complicated. You are not expected to use nox for linting on CI, or sometimes even for testing on CI, even if those tasks are provided for users. Nox is a few seconds slower than running directly in a custom environment - but for new users and rarely run tasks, it is much faster than explaining how to get setup or manually messing with virtual environments. It is also highly reproducible, creating and destroying the temporary environment each time by default.

You should use nox to make it easy and simple for new contributors to run things. You should use nox to make specialized developer tasks easy. You should use nox to avoid making single-use virtual environments for docs and other rarely run tasks.

Since nox is an application, you should install it with pipx. If you use Homebrew, you can install nox with that (Homebrew isolates Python apps it distributes too, just like pipx).

Running nox

If you see a in a repository, that means nox is supported. You can start by checking to see what the different tasks (called sessions in nox) are provided by the noxfile author. For example, if we do this on’s repository:

nox -l  # or --list-sessions
Sessions defined in /github/pypa/

- translation -> Build the gettext .pot files.
- build -> Make the website.
- preview -> Make and preview the website.
- linkcheck -> Check for broken links.

sessions marked with * are selected, sessions marked with - are skipped.

You can see that there are several different sessions. You can run them with -s:

nox -s preview

Will build and start up a preview of the site.

If you need to pass options to the session, you can separate nox options with and the session options with --.

Writing a Noxfile

For this example, we’ll need a minimal test file for pytest to run. Let’s make this file in a local directory:


def test_runs():
    assert True

Let’s write our own noxfile. If you are familiar with pytest, this should look familiar as well; it’s intentionally rather close to pytest. We’ll make a minimal session that runs pytest:

import nox

def tests(session):

A noxfile is valid Python, so we import nox. The session decorator tells nox that this function is going to be a session. By default, the name will be the function name, the description will be the function docstring, it will run on the current version of Python (the one nox is using), and it will make a virtual environment each time the session runs, though all of this is changeable via keyword arguments to session.

The session function will be given a nox.Session object that has various useful methods. .install will install things with pip, and .run will run a command in a sesson. The .run command will print a warning if you use an executable outside the virtual environment unless external=True is passed. Errors will exit the session.

Let’s expand this a little:

import nox

def tests(session: nox.Session) -> None:
    Run our tests.
    session.install("pytest")"pytest", *session.posargs)

This adds a type annotation to the session object, so that IDE’s and type checkers can help you write the code in the function. There’s a docstring, which will print out nice help text when a user lists the sessions. And we pass through to pytest anything the user passes in via session.posargs.

Let’s try running it:

nox -s tests
nox > Running session tests
nox > Creating virtual environment (virtualenv) using python3.10 in .nox/tests
nox > python -m pip install pytest
nox > pytest
==================================== test session starts ====================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.10.5, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /Users/henryschreiner/git/teaching/packaging
collected 1 item .                                                                          [100%]

===================================== 1 passed in 0.05s =====================================
nox > Session tests was successful.

Passing arguments through

Try passing -v to pytest.


nox -s tests -- -v

Virtual environments

Nox is really just doing the same thing we would do manually (and printing all the steps except the exact details of creating the virtual environment. You can see the virtual environment in .nox/tests! How would you activate this environment?


. .nox/tests/bin/activate

Key Points

  • Virtual environments isolate software

  • Virtual environments solve the update problem

  • A task runner makes it easier to contribute to software

Python to package


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How do we take code in a Jupyter Notebook or Python script and turn that into a package?

  • What are the minimum elements required for a Python package?

  • How do you set up tests?

  • Create and install a Python package

  • Create and run a test

Much research software is initially developed by hacking away in an interactive setting, such as in a Jupyter Notebook or a Python shell. However, at some point when you have a more-complicated workflow that you want to repeat, and/or make available to others, it makes sense to package your functions into modules and ultimately a software package that can be installed. This lesson will walk you through that process.

Consider the rescale() function written as an exercise in the Software Carpentry Programming with Python lesson.

First, as needed, create your virtual environment and install NumPy with

virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install numpy

Then, in a Python shell or Jupyter Notebook, declare the function:

import numpy as np

def rescale(input_array):
    """Rescales an array from 0 to 1.

    Takes an array as input, and returns a corresponding array scaled so that 0
    corresponds to the minimum and 1 to the maximum value of the input array.
    L = np.min(input_array)
    H = np.max(input_array)
    output_array = (input_array - L) / (H - L)
    return output_array

and call the function with:

rescale(np.linspace(0, 100, 5))

which provides the output:

array([ 0.  ,  0.25,  0.5 ,  0.75,  1.  ])

Creating our package in six lines

Let’s create a Python package that contains this function.

First, create a new directory for your software package, called package, and move into that:

$ mkdir package
$ cd package

You should immediately initialize an empty Git repository in this directory; if you need a refresher on using Git for version control, check out the Software Carpentry Version Control with Git lesson. (This lesson will not explicitly remind you to commit your work after this point.)

$ git init

Next, we want to create the necessary directory structure for your package. This includes:

$ mkdir -p src/rescale tests docs

(The -p flag tells mkdir to create the src parent directory for rescale.)

Putting the package directory and source code inside the src directory is not actually required; instead, if you put the <package_name> directory at the same level as tests and docs then you could actually import or call the package directory from that location. However, this can cause several issues, such as running tests with the local version instead of the installed version. In addition, this package structure matches that of compiled languages, and lets your package easily contain non-Python compiled code, if necessary.

Inside src/rescale, create the files and

$ touch src/rescale/ src/rescale/ is required to import this directory as a package, and should remain empty (for now). is the module inside this package that will contain the rescale() function; copy the contents of that function into this file. (Don’t forget the NumPy import!)

The last element your package needs is a pyproject.toml file. Create this with

$ touch pyproject.toml

and then provide the minimally required metadata, which include information about the build system (hatchling) and the package itself (name and version):

# contents of pyproject.toml
requires = ["hatchling"]
build-backend = ""

name = "package"
version = "0.1.0"

The package name given here, “package,” matches the directory package that contains our project’s code. We’ve chosen 0.1.0 as the starting version for this package; you’ll see more in a later episode about versioning, and how to specify this without manually writing it here.

The only elements of your package truly required to install and import it are the pyproject.toml,, and files. At this point, your package’s file structure should look like this:

├── docs/
├── pyproject.toml
├── src/
│   └── package/
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
└── tests/

Installing and using your package

Now that your package has the necessary elements, you can install it into your virtual environment (which should already be active). From the top level of your project’s directory, enter

$ pip install -e .

The -e flag tells pip to install in editable mode, meaning that you can continue developing your package on your computer as you test it.

Then, in a Python shell or Jupyter Notebook, import your package and call the (single) function:

import numpy as np
from package.rescale import rescale

rescale(np.linspace(0, 100, 5))
array([0.  , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1.  ])

This matches the output we expected based on our interactive testing above! 😅

Your first test

Now that we have installed our package and we have manually tested that it works, let’s set up this situation as a test that can be automatically run using nox and pytest.

In the tests directory, create the file:

touch tests/

In this file, we need to import the package, and check that a call to the rescale function with our known input returns the expected output:

# contents of tests/
import numpy as np
from package.rescale import rescale

def test_rescale():
        rescale(np.linspace(0, 100, 5)),
        np.array([0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0]),

Next, take the you created in an earlier episode, and modify it to


# contents of
import nox

def tests(session):
    session.install("numpy", "pytest")

Now, with the added test file and, your package’s directory structure should look like:

├── docs/
├── pyproject.toml
├── src/
│   └── package/
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
└── tests/

(You may also see some __pycache__ directories, which contain compiled Python bytecode that was generated when calling your package.)

Have nox run your tests with the command

$ nox

This should give you some information about what nox is doing, and show output along the lines of

nox > Running session tests
nox > Creating virtual environment (virtualenv) using python in .nox/tests
nox > python -m pip install numpy pytest
nox > python -m pip install .
nox > pytest
======================================================================= test session starts =================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.13, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /Users/niemeyek/Desktop/rescale
collected 1 item

tests/ .                                                                                                                [100%]

======================================================================== 1 passed in 0.07s ==================================================
nox > Session tests was successful.

This tells us that the output of the test function matches the expected result, and therefore the test passes! 🎉

We now have a package that is installed, can be interacted with properly, and has a passing test. Next, we’ll look at other files that should be included with your package.

Going further

We selected a specific backend - hatching. It had a good default configuration, is fast, and has some powerful features and supports a growing ecosystem of plugins. There are other backends too, including ones for compiled projects.

Key Points

  • Use a pyproject.toml file to describe a Python package

Other files that belong with your package


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What other files are important parts of your software package?

  • What software license should you use for your project?

  • Create a README for a software package

  • Choose a software license for a software package

  • Create a changelog for a package

We now have an installed, working Python package that provides some functionality. Are we ready to push the code to GitHub (or your preferred code hosting service) for others to use and contribute to? 🛑 Not quite—we need to add a few more files at minimum to describe our package, and to actually make it open-source software.

Aside from the name of the package and docstring included with the (single) function, we haven’t yet provided any description or other information about the package for anybody that comes across it.

We also haven’t specified the terms and conditions under which the software may be downloaded, used, and/or modified. This means that if we posted it online right now, due to copyright laws (in the United States, at least) nobody else would actually be able to use or modify the code, since we haven’t given explicit permission to do so.

Lastly, as you continue working on your package, you will likely fix bugs and modify/add/remove functionality. Although these changes will technically be present in your Git logs—because you are committing regularly and writing descriptive commit messages, right? 😉—you should also maintain a file that describes these changes in a human-readable way.

Creating a README

A README is a plaintext file that sits at the top level of your package (next to the src, tests, docs directories and pyproject.toml file) and provides general information about your software. Modern READMEs are typically written in Markdown, or occasionally reStructuredText (ReST), due to the additional formatting options that services like GitHub nicely render.

A README is a form of software documentation, and should contain at minimum:

In addition, a README may also contain:

Create a README using

$ touch

and then add these elements:

# Package

`package` is a simple Python library that contains a single function for rescaling arrays.

## Installation

Download the source code and use the package manager [pip]( to install `package`:

pip install .

## Usage

import numpy as np
from package.rescale import rescale

# rescales over 0 to 1
rescale(np.linspace(0, 100, 5))

## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

## License

You can see more guidance on creating READMEs at

Keep your READMEs relatively brief

You should try to keep your README files relatively brief, rather than including very detailed documentation to this file. This should only be a high-level introduction, with detailed theory, examples, and other information reserved for a true documentation website.

Choosing a software license

Now, your package includes a README file, which tells someone who finds the source code a bit about how to use your project and also contribute to it. However, you still need one more element before uploading it to GitHub or another code-hosting service: a software license that explicitly gives specific permissions to users and contributors. Simply making your project available publicly is not the same as making it an open-source software project.

By default, when you make a creative work such as software (but also including writing and images), your work is under exclusive copyright. Others cannot use, copy, share/distribute, or modify your work without your permission. This is often a good thing, because it means you can put your work out into the world, and copyright protects you as the creator and owner of the work. Open Source Guides has more about the legal side of open source software.

However, if you have created research software and plan to share it openly, you want others to use your software, and possibly contribute to it. (Who doesn’t love having other people fix the bugs in their code?)

A software license provides the explicit permissions for others to use, modify, or share your code, and lays out the specific rules for any restrictions about how they can do those things. To pick a license, use resources like Choose a License or Civic Commons “Choosing a License” based on how you want others to interact with your software. You can also see the full list of open-source licenses approved by the Open Source Initiative, which maintains the Open Source Definition.

For a new project, you essentially have one major choice to make:

  1. Do you want to allow others to use your software in almost any way they want, or
  2. Do you want to require others to share any uses of your project in an open way?

These two categories are “permissive” and “copyleft” licenses. Common permissive licenses include the MIT License and BSD 3-Clause License. The GNU General Public License v3.0 (or GNU GPLv3) License is a common copyleft license.

Most research software uses permissive licenses like the MIT License, BSD 3-Clause License, or the Apache License 2.0. For an easy choice, we recommend using the BSD 3-Clause License, which includes a specific clause preventing the names of creators/contributors from being used to endorse or promote derivatives, without permission. However, you should choose the specific license that best fits your needs. In addition, when working on a project with others or as part of a larger effort, you should check if your collaborators have already determined an appropriate license; for example, on work funded by a grant, a particular license may be mandated by the proposal/agreement.

Create a LICENSE file using

$ touch LICENSE

and copy the exact text of the BSD 3-Clause License, modifying only the year and names:

BSD 3-Clause License

Copyright (c) [year], [fullname]

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
   this software without specific prior written permission.


That’s it!

Do not write your own license!

You should never try to write your own software license, or modify the text of an existing license.

Although we are not lawyers, the licenses approved and maintained by the Open Source Initiative have gone through a rigorous review process, including legal review, to ensure that they are both consistent with the Open Source Definition and also are legally valid.

Adding a license badge to README

Badges are a fun and informative way to quickly show information about your software package in the README. is a resource for generating badge images in SVG format, which can easily be added to the top of your README as links pointing to more information.

Using (or an example found elsewhere), generate the Markdown syntax for adding a badge describing the BSD 3-Clause License we chose for this example package.


The Markdown syntax for adding a badge describing the BSD 3-Clause License is:


and will render as License


Over time, our package will likely evolve, whether through bug fixes, improvements, or feature changes. For example, the rescale function in our package does not have a way of properly treating cases where the max and min of the array are the same (i.e., when the array holds the same number repeated). For example:

import numpy as np
from package.rescale import rescale

a = 2 * np.ones(5)

gives RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  output_array = (input_array - L) / (H - L)
array([nan, nan, nan, nan, nan])

This is probably not the desired output; instead, let’s say we want to rescale all the values in this array to 1. We can modify the function to properly handle this situation:

def rescale(input_array):
    """Rescales an array from 0 to 1.

    Takes an array as input, and returns a corresponding array scaled so that 0
    corresponds to the minimum and 1 to the maximum value of the input array.
    L = np.min(input_array)
    H = np.max(input_array)
    if np.allclose(L, H):
        output_array = input_array / L
        output_array = (input_array - L) / (H - L)
    return output_array

Now, when we call rescale (no need to reinstall or upgrade the package, since we previously installed using editable mode):

import numpy as np
from package.rescale import rescale

a = 2 * np.ones(5)

we get the desired behavior:

array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])

Great! Let’s commit that change using Git, with a message and perhaps update the version to 0.1.1 to indicate the package has changed (more to come on that in a later episode on versioning).

That may be enough for us to record the change, but how will a user of your package know that the functionality has changed? It’s not exactly easy to hunt through Git logs and try to find which commit message(s) align with the changes since the last version.

Instead, we can should keep a changelog in a file, also at the top level of your package’s directory. In this Markdown-formatted file, you should record major changes to the package made since the last released version. Then, when you decide to release a new version, you add a new section to the file above this list of changes.

Changes should be grouped together based on the type; suggestions for these come from the Keep a Changelog project by Olivier Lacan:

For example, our initial release was version 0.1.0, and we have now changed the functionality. Our CHANGELOG should look something like:

# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## Unreleased
### Changed
- rescale function now scales constant arrays to 1

## [0.1.0] - 2022-08-09
### Added
- Created rescale() function and released package

If at this point you want to increment the version to 0.1.1 to indicate this small fix to the behavior, you would add a new section for this version:

## Unreleased

## [0.1.1] - 2022-08-10
### Changed
- rescale function now scales constant arrays to 1

## [0.1.0] - 2022-08-09
### Added
- Created rescale() function and released package

Note that the version numbers are shown as links in these examples, although the links are not included in the file snippets. You should add definitions of these links at the bottom of the file, using (for example) GitHub’s ability to compare between tagged versions:


Other locations

Once we have things inside the docs/ folder, docs/ is also a good place, and keeps your outer directory a bit cleaner. But we’ll put it here for now so that we don’t interfere with that lesson.

Additional files for Git

At this point, your package has most of the supplemental files that it needs to be shared with the world. However, there are some additional files you can add to help with your Git workflow.


After adding and committing the files above, you might have noticed that git status points out a few files/directories that you do not want it to track:

On branch main
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

Fortunately, you can instruct Git to ignore these files, and others that you will never want to track, using a .gitignore file, which goes at the main directory level of your package.

This file tells Git to ignore either specific files or directories, or those that match a certain pattern via the wildcard character (e.g., *.so). The Git reference manual has very detailed documentation of possible .gitignore file syntax, but for convenience GitHub maintains a collection of .gitignore files for various languages and tools.

For your project, you should copy or download the Python-specific .gitignore file file into a local .gitignore:

# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files

# C extensions

# Distribution / packaging

# PyInstaller
#  Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
#  before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.

# Installer logs

# Unit test / coverage reports

# Translations

# Django stuff:

# Flask stuff:

# Scrapy stuff:

# Sphinx documentation

# PyBuilder

# Jupyter Notebook

# IPython

# pyenv
#   For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
#   intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
# .python-version

# pipenv
#   According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
#   However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
#   having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
#   install all needed dependencies.

# poetry
#   Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include poetry.lock in version control.
#   This is especially recommended for binary packages to ensure reproducibility, and is more
#   commonly ignored for libraries.

# pdm
#   Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include pdm.lock in version control.
#   pdm stores project-wide configurations in .pdm.toml, but it is recommended to not include it
#   in version control.

# PEP 582; used by e.g. and

# Celery stuff

# SageMath parsed files

# Environments

# Spyder project settings

# Rope project settings

# mkdocs documentation

# mypy

# Pyre type checker

# pytype static type analyzer

# Cython debug symbols

# PyCharm
#  JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can
#  be found at
#  and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file.  For a more nuclear
#  option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder.

You can see that a few patterns are commented out, and can be uncommented if they apply to your project and/or workflow. You can also clean up sections of the file that do not apply to your situation, but there’s no real need to do so since you likely won’t look at this file again.

Once you have added this to the top level of your project (alongside the .git directory), and told Git to track it (git add .gitignore, git commit -m 'adds gitignore file'), Git will automatically begin following your rules:

$ git status
On branch main
nothing to commit, working tree clean


At this point, if you have added all of these files, your package’s file structure should look something like this:

├── .git/
├── .nox/
├── .venv/
├── .gitignore
├── docs/
├── pyproject.toml
├── src/
│   └── package/
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
└── tests/

The .git, .nox. and .venv directories would have been automatically generated by Git, Nox, and Virtualenv, respectively. You may also see additional directories like __pycache__ and .pytest_cache.

Key Points

  • In addition to the source code and project specification, packages should include a README, LICENSE, and changelog.

  • Do not create a custom software license or modify an existing license; instead, choose from the list of available licenses.

  • You can also include .gitignore to avoid from committing non-source files and .pre-commit-config.yaml to automatically check simple issues with your code before committing it.



Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • What metadata is important to add to your package?

  • How to I add common functionality, like executable scripts?

  • Learn about the project table.

In a previous lesson, we left the metadata in our project.toml quite minimal; we just had a name and a version. There are quite a few other fields that can really help your package on PyPI, however. We’ll look at them, split into categories: Informational (like author, description) and Functional (like requirements). There’s also a special dynamic field that lets you list values that are going to come from some other source.

Informational metadata


Required. ., -, and _ are all equivalent characters, and may be normalized to _. Case is unimportant. This is the only field that must exist statically in this table.

name = "some_project"


Required. Many backends provide ways to read this from a file or from a version control system, so in those cases you would add "version" to the dynamic field and leave it off here.

version = "1.2.3"
version = "0.2.1b1"


A string with a short description of your project.

description = "This is a very short summary of a very cool project."


The name of the readme. Most of the time this is or README.rst, though there is a more complex mechanism if a user really desires to embed the readme into your pyproject.toml file (you don’t).

readme = ""
readme = "README.rst"

Authors and maintainers

This is a list of authors (or maintainers) as (usually inline) tables. A TOML table is very much like a Python dict.

authors = [
    {name="Me Myself", email=""},
    {name="You Yourself", email=""},
maintainers = [
    {name="It Itself", email=""},

Note that TOML supports two ways two write tables and two ways to write arrays, so you might see this in a different form, but it should be recognizable.


A list of keywords for the project. This is mostly used to improve searchability.

keywords = ["example", "tutorial"]


A set of links to help users find various things for your code; some common ones are Homepage, Source Code, Documentation, Bug Tracker, Changelog, Discussions, and Chat. It’s a free-form name, though many common names get recognized and have nice icons on PyPI.

# Inline form
urls.Homepage = ""
urls."Source Code" = ""

# Sectional form
Homepage = ""
"Source Code" = ""


This is a collection of classifiers as listed at You select the classifiers that match your projects from there. Usually, this includes a “Development Status” to tell users how stable you think your project is, and a few things like “Intended Audience” and “Topic” to help with search engines. There are some important ones though: the “License” (s) is used to indicate your license. You also can give an idea of supported Python versions, Python implementations, and “Operating System”s as well. If you have statically typed Python code, you can tell users about that, too.

classifiers = [
    "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
    "Intended Audience :: Developers",
    "Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
    "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License",
    "Operating System :: OS Independent",
    "Programming Language :: Python",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
    "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering",
    "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis",
    "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics",
    "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics",
    "Typing :: Typed",

License (special mention)

There also is a license field, but that was rather inadequate; it didn’t support multiple licenses, for example. Currently, it’s best to indicate the license with a Trove Classifier, and make sure your file is called LICENSE* so build backends pick it up and include it in SDist and wheels. There’s work on standardizing an update to the format in the future. You can manually specify a license file if you want:

license = {file = "LICENSE"}

However, some backends (like flit-core) ignore this field entirely. The canonical location for a standard license since the early 2000’s has been trove classifiers.

Verify file contents

Always verify the contents of your SDist and Wheel(s) manually to make sure the license file is included.

tar -tvf dist/package-0.0.1.tar.gz
unzip -l dist/package-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl

Functional metadata

The remaining fields actually change the usage of the package.


This is an important and sometimes misunderstood field. It looks like this:

requires-python = ">=3.8"

Pip will see if the current version of Python it’s installing for passes this expression. If it doesn’t, pip will start checking older versions of the package until it finds on that passes. This is how pip install numpy still works on Python 3.7, even though NumPy has already dropped support for it.

You need to make sure you always have this and it stays accurate, since you can’t edit metadata after releasing - you can only yank or delete release(s) and try again.

Upper caps

Upper caps are generally discouraged in the Python ecosystem, but they are (even more that usual) broken here, since this field was added to help users drop old Python versions, and the idea it would be used to restrict newer versions was not considered. The above procedures is not the right one for an upper cap! Never upper cap this and instead use Trove Classifiers to tell users what versions of Python your code was tested with.


Your package likely will need other packages from PyPI to run.

dependencies = [

You can list dependencies here without minimum versions, but if you have a lot of users, you might want minimum versions; pip will only upgrade an installed package if it’s no longer viable via your requirements. You can also use a variety of markers to specify operating system specific packages.

project.dependencies vs. build-system.requires

What is the difference between project.dependencies vs. build-system.requires?


build-system.requires describes what your project needs to “build”, that is, produce an SDist or wheel. Installing a built wheel will not install anything from build-system.requires, in fact, the pyproject.toml is not even present in the wheel! project.dependencies, on the other hand, is added to the wheel metadata, and pip will install anything in that field if not already present when installing your wheel.

Optional Dependencies

Sometimes you have dependencies that are only needed some of the time. These can be specified as optional dependencies. Unlike normal dependencies, these are specified in a table, with the key being the option you pass to pip to install it. For example:

test = ["pytest>=6"]
check = ["flake8"]
plot = ["matplotlib"]

Now, you can run pip install 'package[test,check]', and pip will install both the required and optional dependencies pytest and flake8, but not matplotlib.

Entry Points

A Python package can have entry points. There are three kinds: command-line entry points (scripts), graphical entry points (gui-scripts), and general entry points (entry-points). As an example, let’s say you have a main() function inside that you want to run to create a command project-cli. You’d write:

project-cli = "project.__main__:main"

The command line name is the table key, and the form of the entry point is package.module:function. Now, when you install your package, you’ll be able to type project-cli on the command line and it will run your Python function.


Any field from above that are specified by your build backend instead should be listed in the special dynamic field. For example, if you want hatchling to read from src/package/

name = "package"
dynamic = ["version"]

version.path = "src/package/"

All together

Now let’s take our previous example and expand it with more information. Here’s an example:

requires = ["hatchling"]
build-backend = ""

name = "package"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = [
  { name="Example Author", email="" },
description = "A small example package"
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.8"
classifiers = [
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
    "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
    "Operating System :: OS Independent",

"Homepage" = ""
"Bug Tracker" = ""

Add metadata and check it.

Take your existing package and add more metadata to it. Install it, then use pip show -v <package> to see the metadata. You can also look inside the wheel or SDist to see the metadata.


pip install -e .
pip show -v <package-name>

Key Points

  • There are a variety of useful bits of metadata you should add.



Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How do you choose your versions?

  • How do you set version limits on dependencies?

  • How do you set a version?

  • Know the different versioning schemes and drawbacks

  • Know how to set a version in a package

Versioning is a surprisingly deep topic with some strong opinions floating around. We will look at a couple of popular versioning schemes. We will also discuss how you should use the versions your dependencies provide.

Then we will cover some best practices in setting your own version, along with a few tips for a good changelog. You’ll learn the simplest way, along with some advanced technique to single-source your version, including using your VCS’s tags as versions. This makes mistakes during releases harder and to allow every single commit to come with a unique version.

Versioning schemes

There are three commonly used versioning schemes that you will usually select from. Most packages follow one of these with some variations. A few packages have custom schemes (LaTeX’s pi based scheme comes to mind!), but this covers almost all software.

SemVer: Semantic Versioning

SemVer lays out a set of rules, summarized here, based on a version of the form <major>.<minor>.<patch>. These are:

And obviously set the smaller version values to zero when you increment a larger one.

This seems simple, but what is a breaking change? The unintuitive answer is that it depends on how many users you have. Every change could be a breaking change to someone if you have enough users (at least in a language like Python where everything can be accessed if you try hard enough). The closer you try to follow “true” SemVer, the more major releases you will have, until you’ve lost the usefulness of SemVer and every release is basically a major release. An example of a package that has a lot of users and tries to follow SemVer pretty closely is Setuptools, which is on version 68 as of the time of writing. And minor/patch release still break some users.

Avoiding breakage

You can’t be sure that a minor a patch release will not break you. No library can follow SemVer close enough to be “true” SemVer unless they only release major versions. “They didn’t follow SemVer closely enough” is not a good argument for any package causing breakage.

A more realistic form of SemVer, and a better way to think about it, is as an abbreviated changelog and author intent. In this form:

If a release breaks your code, you are more likely to be able to get a followup patch release fixing your use case if it’s a patch or minor version. If you view SemVer this way, a lot less grief will occur from broken expectations. Also, changelogs are really important, so having a way to notify people when there’s things to look at is really useful.

A final variation that is very common in the Python community is a deprecation cycle addition. This says that a feature that is deprecated in a minor version can be removed in a minor version after a certain time or number of minor versions. Python itself uses this (due partially to an extreme aversion to ever releasing another major version), along with NumPy and others. Python’s deprecation cycle is two releases (3.12 deprecations can be removed in 3.14), and NumPy’s is three.

Getting deprecation warnings

In Python, the deprecation warnings are PendingDeprecationWarning, DeprecationWarning, and FutureWarning, in that order. The first two are often not shown by default, so always run your test suite with full warnings as errors enabled, so that you are able to catch them. And if it’s your library, doing at least one final release with FutureWarning is a good idea as it’s not hidden by default.

Some suggestions for how you depend on packages will be given later, but let’s look at the other two common mechanisms first.

Python only

Discussions of SemVer need to be centered on Python and the Python community. Other Languages have different communities and different tools. For example, JavaScript’s NodeJS supports each dependency getting their own copy of their dependency. This makes the ecosystem’s expectations of pinning totally different.


Sometimes packages start with a 0; if they do that, they are using a modified version of SemVer, sometimes called ZeroVer. In this, the first non-zero digit is a major version, and the second non-zero value is somewhere between a minor and patch. There are several reasons for this version scheme; sometimes it is to indicate the package is still under heavy development. Though, in practice, selecting a point to release “1.0” can be quite difficult; a user’s expectation (this is stable now) and the developers expectation (some huge new feature added / rewrite, etc) are completely at odds. This has led some very popular projects to still be using ZeroVer.

CalVer: Calendar based versioning

Another scheme growing in popularity in the Python community is the CalVer scheme. This sets the version number based on release date. There are several variations; some projects literally place the date (two or four digit year followed by month then day), and some blend a little bit of SemVer in by making the second or third digit SemVer-like. An example of a popular (non-Python) project using CalVer is Ubuntu - the version (like 22.04) is the release year and month. Pip uses a blended CalVer; Pip releases three major versions per year like 23.1.0; the final release of the year is 23.3.patch. Those these are technically major versions, they tend to try to do larger changes between years.

CalVer does two things well; it communicates how old a release is without having to check release notes, and it allows deprecation cycles (remember we said those were important in Python!) to be expressed in terms of time - if you want a one year deprecation cycle, you know exactly what release the item will be removed/changed in. It also helps clearly communicate the problem with SemVer - you don’t know when something will make a breaking release for you, so don’t predict / depend on something breaking. You might be tempted to set package<2, but you should never be tempted to set package<24 - it’s not SemVer! (See the section on locking!)

Due to this, several core Python packaging projects (like pip, packaging, and virtualenv) use CalVer. CalVer is especially useful for something that talks to external services (like pip). Another popular library using it is attrs.

Versions on your dependencies

Specifying a range

How you set versions on dependencies depends on what sort of package you are working on:


For libraries and apps, you should try to support a wide range of dependencies if possible, depending on how many users you expect. For a small number of users, simply requiring recent versions of everything is probably fine. If you expect a large number of users (enough that your package will be picked up by Linux distros, for example), then you should try to support a few past releases of dependencies, and ideally run your tests at least once with the minimum versions of your dependencies. You can do this with a constraints.txt file, which specifies pins on the minimum versions of all your dependencies, and then add -c constrainsts.txt when pip installing.


You can read an article on maximums here. TL;DR: don’t set maximums on your dependencies unless you are fairly sure the next version will break your usage of the library. There are some special cases, mostly around how important a dependency is for you; if you are writing a pytest plugin, you are probably monitoring pytest pretty closely and can react to a breaking release. (But this is also true, maybe more true, if you don’t cap!)


The solution to breaking updates from dependencies is specific for applications (like websites an analyses) - you should lock your environment! There are two ways to do this: manually with piptools, or using a locking package manager (like PDM or Poetry).

Manual: piptools

Set up a file with your unpinned dependencies. For example:


Now, run pip-compile from pip-tools on your to make a requirements.txt:

pipx run --spec pip-tools pip-compile --generate-hashes

This will produce a requirements.txt with fully locked dependencies, including hashes. You can always regenerate it when you want updates.


Tools like PDM generate a lock file (in some custom format) when they set up environments. Just add these files to your repository, and they should be used automatically. You usually have an update command that will update the local environment and the lock file. (Other languages have similar tooling as well, like Rust, Ruby, NodeJS, etc.)

Setting a version on your package

When you start a project, select one of the major versioning schemes.

Two locations

The “standard” way to set a version is by setting it manually in your pyproject.toml:

version = "1.2.3"

And placing it in your source code accessible as __version__ on your package. You don’t have to do that, since a user can use importlib.metadata.version("<package_name>") to get the version, but this is a very common practice and is useful if there is an issue and you need a hard copy of the version in the source for an improperly packaged file.

If you use this method, you should probably set up some automatic way to bump the version in both places, or some sort of check/test that verifies they are in sync.

Single location (hatchling)

Most build backends provide methods to get the version from your source code. In hatchling, it looks like this:

dynamic = ["version"]

version.path = "src/<package>/"

VCS versioning (hatchling)

Technically, there’s another source for the version: git tags. Some backends provide ways to use these as the single version source. This also means every commit gets a unique version, since “commits past tag” is usually added to the version number. In hatchling, it looks like this:

requires = ["hatchling", "hatch-vcs"]

dynamic = ["version"]

version.source = "vcs"
build.hooks.vcs.version-file = "src/<package>/"

This will get the version from VCS, and will also write out a version file that you can then import version (or __version__ in recent versions) from and provide as __version__ for your package.

If you also want git tarballs to contain the version, add the following to your .gitattributes file:

.git_archival.txt  export-subst

And the following .git_archival file:

node: $Format:%H$
node-date: $Format:%cI$
describe-name: $Format:%(describe:tags=true,match=*[0-9]*)$
ref-names: $Format:%D$

Now git archive’s output (like the tarballs GitHub provides) will also include the version information (for recent versions of git)!

Add a versioning system

Add one of the two single-version systems listed above to your package.

Key Points

  • SemVer is an abbreviated changelog

  • SemVer is not the solution to all problems

  • Packages should have a version attribute

  • You can single source your version



Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How do I document my project?

  • Learn how to set up documentation

Documentation used to require learning RestructureText (sometimes referred to as ReST / RST), but today we have great choices for documentation in markdown, the same format used by GitHub, Wikipedia, and others. You should select one of the two major documentation toolchains, sphinx or mkdocs. We will select the older Sphinx for this tutorial, and use the modern MyST plugin to get markdown support.

Basic template

We’ll start with the built-in template. Start by creating a docs/ directory within your project (i.e. next to src/).

Why not Sphinx-Quickstart?

You could use sphinx-quickstart to set up a basic template if you’d like.

pipx run --spec sphinx sphinx-quickstart --no-makefile --no-batchfile --ext-autodoc --ext-intersphinx --extensions myst_parser --suffix .md docs

But this will put Restructured Text into the file, and doesn’t really generate that much for you. You can instead add the docs/ file yourself, which is what we’ll do here.

You first file is a configuration file, docs/

# docs/

project = "example"
extensions = ["myst_parser"]
source_suffix = [".rst", ".md"]

And add (a correct) docs/ yourself:

# package

:maxdepth: 2


## Indices and tables

* {ref}`genindex`
* {ref}`modindex`
* {ref}`search`

As you add new pages, you will list them in the toctree above.

Even if you used it, the generation won’t add a docs extra (or docs/requirements.txt, if you prefer not making a public extra) for you, so you’ll need to add this yourself to pyproject.toml:

docs = [
  "myst_parser >=0.13",
  "sphinx >=4.0",

And add a session to your to generate docs:

import argprase

import nox

def docs(session: nox.Session) -> None:
    Build the docs. Pass "--serve" to serve.

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--serve", action="store_true", help="Serve after building")
    args, posargs = parser.parse_known_args(session.posargs)


    if args.serve:
        session.log("Launching docs at http://localhost:8000/ - use Ctrl-C to quit")"python", "-m", "http.server", "8000", "-d", "_build/html")

And you now have working docs that you can generate and view cross platform with nox -s docs -- --serve!

If you want to use to build your docs, you’ll also want the following .readthedocs.yml:

version: 2
  os: "ubuntu-22.04"
    python: "3.11"
  configuration: docs/
    - method: pip
      path: .
        - docs

Adding a page

Try adding a page. Remember to update your table of contents.

Readme in docs

If you want to include your readme in your docs, you can add something like this:

```{include} ../
:start-after: <!-- SPHINX-START -->

And you use <!-- SPHINX-START --> to mark where you want your docs part of your readme to start (generally after the title and badges).

Selecting a nicer theme

A really nice theme, used by PyPA projects like pip and pipx, is furo. To use it, add this line to your

html_theme = "furo"

And add "furo" to your docs extra in your pyproject.toml.

Further reading

To see a more complete example, read Scientific-Python’s docs guide.

Key Points

  • Sphinx is used for documentation

Checks and tests


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How do you ensure your code will work well?

  • Learn about the basics of setting up tests.

  • Learn about the basics of setting up static checks

This is intended to be a very light introduction to testing and static checks (also known as linters, formatters, and type checkers), focused on setting them up, not on how you write good tests, etc.


The most popular testing framework is pytest, so we will focus on that. Python has a built-in framework too, but it’s really intended for Python’s own tests, and adding a dependency for testing only is fine even for the most strict no-dependencies allowed packages, since users don’t need tests. Tests should be as easy to write as possible, and pytest handles that beautifully.

Test directory

There are several options for test directory. The recommendation is /tests (with an s), at the root of your repository. Combined with /src/<package> layout, you will have the best experience avoiding weird edge cases with package importing.

User runnable tests

Tests should distributed with your SDist, but not your wheel. Sometimes, you might want some simple Tests a user can run in order to verify that their system works. Adding a /src/<package>/tests module using Python’s unittest that does some very quick checks to validate the package works is fine (though it should not be your entire test suite!).

Pytest configuration

A recommended pytest configuration in your pyproject.toml is:

minversion = "7.0"
addopts = ["-ra", "--showlocals", "--strict-markers", "--strict-config"]
xfail_strict = true
filterwarnings = ["error"]
log_cli_level = "info"
testpaths = [

The minversion will print a nicer error if your pytest is too old. The addopts setting will add whatever you put there to the command line when you run; -ra will print a summary “r”eport of “a”ll results, which gives you a quick way to review what tests failed and were skipped, and why. --showlocals will print locals in tracebacks. --strict-markers will make sure you don’t try to use an unspecified fixture. And --strict-config will error if you make a mistake in your config. xfail_strict will change the default for xfail to fail the tests if it doesn’t fail - you can still override locally in a specific xfail for a flaky failure. filter_warnings will cause all warnings to be errors (you can add allowed warnings here too, see below). log_cli_level will report INFO and above log messages on a failure. Finally, testpaths will limit pytest to just looking in the folders given - useful if it tries to pick up things that are not tests from other directories. See the docs for more options.

pytest also checks the current and parent directories for a file. If it finds them, they will get run outer-most to inner-most. These files let you add fixtures and other pytest configurations (like hooks for test discovery, etc) for each directory. For example, you could have a “mock” folder, and in that folder, you could have a that has a mock fixture with autouse=True, then every test in that folder will get this mock applied.

In general, do not place a file in your tests; there’s not often a reason to make the test directory importable, and it can confuse package discovery algorithms. You can use pythonpath=["tests/utils"] to allow you to import things inside a tests/utils folder - though many things can be added to as fixtures.

Python hides important warnings by default, mostly because it’s trying to be nice to users. If you are a developer, you don’t want it to be “nice”. You want to find and fix warnings before they cause user errors! Locally, you should run with -Wd, or set export PYTHONWARNINGS=d in your environment. The pytest warning filter “error” will ensure that pytest will fail if it finds any warnings. You can list warnings that should be hidden or just shown without becoming errors using the syntax "<action>:Regex for warning message:Warning:package", where <action> can tends to be default (show the first time) or ignore (never show). The regex matches at the beginning of the error unless you prefix it with .*.

Static checks

In addition to tests, which run your code, there are also static checkers that look for problems or format your code without running it. While tests only check the parts of the code you write tests for, and only the things you specifically think to check, static checkers can verify your entire codebase is free of certain classes of bugs. Unlike a compiled language, like C, C++, or Rust, there is no required “compile” step, so think of this like that - an optional step you can add that can find things that don’t make sense, invalid syntax, etc.

The pre-commit framework

There’s a tool called pre-commit that is used to run static checks. (Technically it can run just about anything, but it’s designed around speed and works best with checks that take under a couple of seconds - perfect for static checks.)

You can install pre-commit with pipx, pip, your favorite package manager, or even run it inside nox.

You run pre-commit like this:

pre-commit run -a

This runs pre-commit on all files; the default is to just check staged changes for speed. As you might have guessed from the name, you can also make pre-commit run as a git pre-commit hook, with pre-commit install. You can also keep your pre-commit config up to date with pre-commit autoupdate.

You can add pre-commit checks inside a .pre-commit-config.yaml file. There are some “standard” checks most projects include:

  - repo:
    rev: "v4.4.0"
      - id: check-added-large-files
      - id: check-case-conflict
      - id: check-merge-conflict
      - id: check-symlinks
      - id: check-yaml
      - id: debug-statements
      - id: end-of-file-fixer
      - id: mixed-line-ending
      - id: requirements-txt-fixer
      - id: trailing-whitespace

There are a few things to dissect here. First, we have a repos table. This holds a list of git repositories pre-commit will use. They each have repo (pointing at the repo URL), a rev, which holds a non-moving tag (pre-commit caches environments based on this tag), and a hooks table that holds the hooks you want to use from that repo.

You can look at the docs (or the pre-commit-hooks.yaml file in the repo you are using!) to see what id’s you can select. There are more options as well - in fact, every pre-defined field can be overridden by providing the field when you use the hook.

The checks above, from the first-part pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks repo, are especially useful in the “installed” mode (where only staged changes are checked).


The defacto standard today for code formatting is Black. Unlike other auto-formatters, Black has very, very few configuration points - it’s generally easy to recognized blacked code. And once you are use to it, it is faster to read blacked code, as you can start relying on indentation patterns around brackets and such. And while no standard will please everyone, Black’s style was designed around minimizing conflicts when merging (which is already a benefit with any formatter), which was a great practical choice.

To use Black in pre-commit:

  - repo:
    rev: "23.3.0"
      - id: black

While you can turn formatting on and off inline, generally try to write your code so that it formats well. If something looks bad, maybe break it into two operations, using a variable. You’ll likely find yourself writing better code with Black.

Also, an auto-formatter helps highlight errors in your code. If you forget a comma in a list, causing strings to auto-concatenate, the blacked form often makes it much easier to spot the error; this is just one example.


Ruff has recently exploded as the most popular linting tool for Python, and it’s easy to see why. It’s tens to hundreds of times faster than similar tools like flake8, and has dozens of popular flake8 plugins and other tools (like isort and pyupgrade) all well maintained and shipped in a single Rust binary. It is highly configurable in a modern configuration format (in pyproject.toml!). And it supports auto-fixes, something common outside of Python, but rare in the Python space before now.

To use Ruff from pre-commit:

- repo:
  rev: "v0.0.271"
    - id: ruff
      args: ["--fix", "--show-fixes"]

And you’ll need a bit of configuration in your pyproject.toml:

select = [
  "E", "F", "W", # flake8
  "B",           # flake8-bugbear
  "I",           # isort
  "PGH",         # pygrep-hooks
  "RUF",         # Ruff-specific
  "UP",          # pyupgrade
extend-ignore = [
  "E501",   # Line too long
target-version = "py38"
src = ["src"]
unfixable = [
  "F841", # Removes unused variables

You can a more complete suggested config at the Scientific-Python Development Guide.


The biggest advancement since the development of Python 3 has been the addition of optional static typing. Static checks in Python have a huge disadvantage vs. a more “production” focused language like C++: you can’t tell what types things are most of the time! For example, is this function well defined?

def bit_count(x):
    return x.bit_count()

A static checker can’t tell you, since it depends on how it is called. bit_count("hello") is an error, but you won’t know that until it runs, hopefully in a test somewhere. However, now contrast that with this version:

def bit_count(x: int) -> int:
    return x.bit_count()

Now this is well defined; a type checker will tell you that this function is valid (and it will even be able to tell you it is invalid if you target any Python before 3.10, regardless of the version you are using to run the check!), and it will tell you if you try to call it with anything that’s not an int, anywhere - regardless if the function is part of a test or not!

You do have to add static types to function signatures and a few variable definitions (usually variables can be inferred automatically), but the payoff is well worth it - a static type checker can catch many things, and doesn’t require writing tests!

Here’s how you run mypy, a first party and popular type checker, from pre-commit:

- repo:
  rev: "v1.4.0"
    - id: mypy
      files: src
      args: []

You can learn about configuring mypy in the Scientific-Python Development Guide. You also need to add any packages that have static types to additional_dependencies: [...].

Going further

See the Style guide at Scientific-Python Development Guide for a lot more suggestions on static checking.

Key Points

  • Run tests and static checks on your codebase.

CI with GitHub Actions


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How do you ensure code keeps passing

  • Use a CI service to run your tests

Continuous Integration (CI) allows you to perform tasks on a server for various events on your repository (called triggers). For example, you can use GitHub Actions (GHA) to run a test suite on every pull request.

GHA is made up of workflows which consist of actions. Workflows are files in the .github/workflows folder ending in .yml.


Workflows start with triggers, which define when things run. Here are three triggers:

      - main

This will run on all pull requests and pushes to main. You can also specify specific branches for pull requests instead of running on all PRs (will run on PRs targeting those branches only).

Running unit tests

Let’s set up a basic test. We will define a jobs dict, with a single job named “tests”. For all jobs, you need to select an image to run on - there are images for Linux, macOS, and Windows. We’ll use ubuntu-latest.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: "3.10"

      - name: Install package
        run: python -m pip install -e .[test]

      - name: Test package
        run: python -m pytest

This has five steps:

  1. Checkout the source (your repo).
  2. Prepare Python 3.10 (will use a preinstalled version if possible, otherwise will download a binary).
  3. Install your package with testing extras - this is just an image that will be removed at the end of the run, so “global” installs are fine. We also provide a nice name for the step.
  4. Run your package’s tests.

By default, if any step fails, the run immediately quits and fails.

Running in a matrix

You can parametrize values, such as Python version or operating system. Do do this, make a strategy: matrix: dict. Every key in that dict (except include: and exclude should be set with a list, and a job will be generated with every possible combination of values. You can access these values via the matrix variable; they do not “automatically” change anything.

For example:

      onetwothree: [1, 2, 3]
  name: Job ${{ matrix.onetwothree }}

would produce three jobs, with names Job 1, Job 2, and Job 3. Elsewhere, if you refer to the exmaple job, it will implicitly refer to all three.

This is commonly used to set Python and operating system versions:

    fail-fast: false
      python-version: ["3.8", "3.11"]
      runs-on: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macos-latest]
  name: Check Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} on ${{ matrix.runs-on }}
  runs-on: ${{ matrix.runs-on }}
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        fetch-depth: 0 # Only needed if using setuptools-scm

    - name: Setup Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
      uses: actions/setup-python@v4
        python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}

    - name: Install package
      run: python -m pip install -e .[test]

    - name: Test package
      run: python -m pytest

There are two special keys: include: will take a list of jobs to include one at a time. For example, you could add Python 3.9 on Linux (but not the others):

  - python-version: 3.9
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

include can also list more keys than were present in the original parametrization; this will add a key to an existing job.

The exclude: key does the opposite, and lets you remove jobs from the matrix.

Other actions

GitHub Actions has the concept of actions, which are just GitHub repositories of the form org/name@tag, and there are lots of useful actions to choose from (and you can write your own by composing other actions, or you can also create them with JavaScript or Dockerfiles). Here are a few:

There are some GitHub supplied ones:

And many other useful ones:


Add a CI file for your package.

Key Points

  • Set up GitHub Actions on your project

Publishing package and citation


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How do I publish a package?

  • How do I make my work citable?

  • Learn about publishing a package on PyPI

  • Learn about making work citable

Building SDists and wheels

The build package builds SDists (source distributions) and wheels (build distributions). The SDist usually contains most of your repository, and requires your build backend (hatchling, in this case) to build. The wheel is “built”, the contents are ready to unpack into standard locations (usually site-packages), and does not contain configuration files like pyproject.toml. Usually you do not include things like tests in the wheel. Wheels also can contain binaries for packages with compiled portions.

You can build an SDist and a wheel (from that SDist) with pipx & build:

pipx run build

The module is named build, so python -m build is how you’d run it from nox. The executable is actually named pyproject-build, since installing a build executable would likely conflict with other things on your system.

This produces the wheel and sdist in ./dist.


Building for conda is quite different. If you just have a pure Python package, you should just use pip to install in conda environments until you have a conda package that depends on your package and wants to add it into it’s requirements.

If you do need to build a conda package, you’ll need to either propose a new recipe to conda-forge, or set up the build infrastructure yourself and publish to an channel.

Manually publishing

Do you need to publish to PyPI?

Not every package needs to go on PyPI. You can pip install directly from git, or from a URL to a package hosted somewhere else, or you can set up your own wheelhouse and point pip at that. Also an “application” like a website or other code you deploy probably does not need to be on PyPI.

You can publish files manually with twine:

pipx run twine upload -r testpypi dist/*

The -r testpypi tells twine to upload to TestPyPI instead of the real PyPI - remove this if you are not in a tutorial. You’ll also need to setup a token to upload the package with. However, the best way to publish is from CI. This has several benefits: you are always in a clean checkout, so you won’t accidentally include added or changed files, you have a simpler deployment procedure, and you have more control over who can publish in GitHub.

Create a noxfile to build

Given what you’ve learned about nox and build, write a session that builds packages for you.


import nox

def build(session):
    session.install("build")"python", "-m", "build")  # can use pyproject-build instead

Building in GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions can be used for any sort of automation task, not just building tests. You can use it to make your releases too! Combined with the version control feature from the previous lesson, making a new release can be a simple procedure.

Let’s first set up a job that builds the file in a new workflow:

# .github/workflows/cd.yml
    - published

This has two triggers. The first, workflow_dispatch, allows you to manually trigger the workflow from the GitHub web UI for testing. The second will trigger whenever you make a GitHub Release, which will be covered below. You might want to add builds for your main branch, as well. We will make sure uploads to PyPI only happen on releases later.

Now, we need to set up the builder job:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        fetch-depth: 0

    - name: Build SDist & wheel
      run: pipx run build

    - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        path: dist/*

We’ve seen the setup before. We are calling the job dist, using an Ubuntu runner, and checking out the code, including the git history so the version can be computed with fetch-depth: 0 (which can be removed if you are not using git versioning).

Test and upload action

There’s a great action for building and inspecting a pure Python package:

- uses: hynek/build-and-inspect-python-package@v1

This action builds, runs various checkers, then uploads the package to Packages. If you use this, you’ll need to download the artifact from name: Packages.

The next step builds the wheel and SDist. Pipx is a supported package manager on all GitHub Actions runners.

The final step uploads an Actions “artifact”. This allows you to download the produced files from the GitHub Actions UI, and these files are also available to other jobs. The default name is artifact, which is as good as any other name for the moment.

We could have combined the build and publish jobs if we really wanted to, but they are cleaner when separate, so we have a publish job as well.

  needs: [dist]
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  if: github.event_name == 'release' && github.event.action == 'published'

  - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
      name: artifact
      path: dist

  - uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1

This job requires that the previous job completes successfully with needs:. It has an if: block as well that ensures that it only runs when you publish. Note that Actions usually requires ${{ ... }} to evaluate code, like github.event_name, but blocks that always are evaluated, like if:, don’t require manually wrapping in this syntax.

Then we download the artifact. You need to tell it the name: to download (otherwise it will download all artifacts into named folders). We used the default artifact so that’s needed here. We want to unpack it into ./dist, so we set the path: to that.

Finally, we use the PyPA’s publish action. You will need to go to PyPI and tell it where you are publishing from so that the publish can happen via PyPI’s trusted publishers. We are using Test PyPI for this exercise - remove the with: block to publish to real PyPI.

Making a release

A release on GitHub corresponds to two things: a git tag, and a GitHub Release. If you create the release first, a lightweight tag will be generated for you. If you tag manually, remember to create the GitHub release too, so users can see the most recent release in the UI and will be notified if they are watching your releases.

Click Releases -> Draft a new release. Type in or select a tag; the recommended format is v1.2.3; that is, a “v” followed by a version number. Give it a title, like “Version 1.2.3”; keep this short so that it will be readable on the web UI. Finally, fill in the description (there’s an autogenerate button that might be helpful).

When you release, this will trigger the GitHub Action workflow we developed and upload your package to TestPyPI!

Adding Zenodo

You can add a repository to to make it citable. Zenodo supports GitHub’s CITATION.cff file, so adding one of those is a good idea if using Zenodo.

The CITATION.cff file

cff-version: 1.2.0
message: "Please cite the following works when using this software."
type: software
title: Title
abstract: Title
- family-names: ...
  given-names: ...
  orcid: ...
  affiliation: ...
doi: ...
repository-code: ...
url: ...
keywords: ...
license: ...

You can test your file by running:

pipx run cffconvert --validate

Key Points

  • CI can publish Python packages

  • Tagging and GitHub Releases are used to publish versions

  • Zenodo and CITATION.cff are useful for citations