This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Documentation with MkDocs Material


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How do I document my project?

  • Learn how to set up documentation using Material for MkDocs

In this lesson, we’ll outline creating a documentation webpage using the MkDocs framework with the Material theme.

You will:


Start by installing the material-mkdocs package into you virtual environment.

Add this to pyproject.toml:

docs = [

… then reinstall using pip install --editable ".[docs]".

doc or docs

The python packaging standard for the name of this extra is doc, whereas docs is ~3x more popular.


Create an empty site using:

mkdocs new .

This will create files and directories as follows:

├─ docs/
│  └─
└─ mkdocs.yml


In the mkdocs.yml file, set the site name and add some additional lines to enable the theme:

site_name: Example Package YOUR USERNAME HERE
site_url: https://<your github username>
  name: material

site_url is important

It is important to set the site_url because it’s assumed to be set by a number of plugins.

It’s set here to a GitHub Pages address – you can set it to https://<your github username> or any other domain where you want to publish.


You can preview the site as you change it by running the “preview server”:

mkdocs serve


And add (a correct) docs/ yourself:

<!--- docs/ -->
# Example Package YOUR USERNAME HERE

`example-package-YOUR-USERNAME-HERE` is a simple Python library that contains a single function for rescaling arrays.

## Installation

You can install the package by calling:
pip install git+<your github username>/example-package-YOUR-USERNAME-HERE

## Usage

import numpy as np
from example_package_YOUR_USERNAME_HERE.rescale import rescale

# rescales over 0 to 1
rescale(np.linspace(0, 100, 5))
``` vs

Often, similar information will be contained in the repository README and the index page of the documentation – installation instructions, basic usage, licensing etc., and so it’s common to want to include (parts of) the README in the index page.

Sphinx has built-in tools to allow you to include parts of another markdown file directly, but MkDocs doesn’t.

We’d recommend writing the and files separately, so that you can vary the information and instructions you present for the particular audience.

For instance, someone viewing the repository can be expected to know where to download the source code from, whereas someone viewing the documentation website might not.

Add Code Reference

We’ll add a new page to the documentation with the docstrings from the package.

MkDocs automatically adds the additional page to your documentation.

Publish to GitHub Pages

To publish the documentation to GitHub pages, run:

mkdocs gh-deploy

The documentation will be made available at the URL https://<your github username>

Once this is deployed, you can add an additional URL to the pyproject.toml file, which will be included in the package metadata and linked to on PyPI.

# pyproject.toml

Homepage = "https://<your github username>"

Read The Docs

If you want to use to build your docs, you’ll need to add a .readthedocs.yml file. Find details at


Adding a page

Try adding another page.

Further reading

Key Points

  • MkDocs is great for documentation