
Figure 1

Undraw Co Image depicting documents

Types of Software Documentation

Figure 1

Undraw co image of a developerUndraw co image of a user

Documentation Better Practices

Figure 1

Getty Images sandwich art

Documentation in Practice

Documentation Tools

Figure 1

Spyder IDE docstring settings

Figure 2

  • Make a gh-pages branch. Either from the GUI or through command line, make a new branch named gh-pages. In the GUI, you would do this by clicking on the branches link: GitHub Branches button highlighted Then click on “New branch”: GitHub Branches new branch Name it gh-pages: GitHub Branches gh-pages branch

  • Figure 3

  • Set up GitHub to build from that branch. In the GUI, go to “Settings” > “Pages”: GitHub Pages Settings Change the settings to “Source: Deploy from branch”, “Branch: gh-pages”, and “directory /docs”. Then hit “Save.” GitHub Pages final settings