This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

CD for Python Package


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How do I setup CD for a Python package in GitHub Actions?

  • Learn about building package using GitHub Actions

  • Learn what is required to publish to PyPi

We have CI setup to perform our automated checks.

We have continued to add new features and now, we want to get these new features to our Users.

Just as we have automated code checks, we can automated deployment of our package to a package registry upon a release trigger.

Setup CD for Releases

We previously created our CI workflow YAML file.

We could keep using that one, possibly.

However, we previously were triggering on every single push event (i.e. anytime we uploaded any commits to any branch!)

Trigger for CD

Do we want to publish our Python Package for any pushed code? Definitely not!

We want to instead pick the trigger event and create a new GitHub Actions YAML just for our CD workflow.

There are different triggers we can use:

Let’s continue using the “releases” one.

The first, workflow_dispatch, allows you to manually trigger the workflow from the GitHub web UI for testing.

The second, release, will trigger whenever you make a GitHub Release.

Now that we have our triggers, we need to do something with them.

We want to push our Python Package to a package registry.

But first, we must build our distrbution to upload!

Build job for CD

Let’s start on our new CD YAML for releases.

Write the following in .github/workflows/releases.yaml

name: Releases

        - published

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Build SDist & wheel
      run: pipx run build

    - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        name: build-artifact
        path: dist/*

Here we have a job called “dist” that:

From the actions/upload-artifact Markplace page, we can see this saves artifacts between jobs by uploading and storing them in GitHub.

Specifically, we are uploading and storing the artifacts from the ./dist directory in the previous step and naming that artiface “build-artifact”. We will see, this is how we can pass the artifacts to another job or download ourselves from the GitHub UI.

This gives us our first step in the CD process, building the artifacts for a software release!

Test using build artifacts in another job

Now, we want to take the artifact in the dist job and use it in our next phase.

To do so, we need to use the complimentary Action to actions/upload-artifact, which is action/download-artifact`.

From the Marketplace page, we can see this simply downloads the artifact that is stored using the path.

Let’s add a “test” publish job.

name: Releases

        - published

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Build SDist & wheel
        run: pipx run build

      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: "build-artifact"
          path: dist/*

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/download-artifact
          name: "build-artifact"
          path: dist

      - name: Publish release
        run: echo "Uploading!"

Using the above test YAML, let’s upload this and perform a release to run the CD pipeline.

First, checkout a new branch for CD from main.

git checkout -b add-cd
git add .github/workflows/releases.yml
git commit -m "Adds build + test publish to CD"
git push -u origin add-cd

Go ahead and merge this in main as well.

Then, let’s go into the Actions tab and run the Release job from the UI:

Release manual

Action: Test out the publish YAML

Does the CD run successfully?



The dist job passes but the publish job fails. The publish job cannot fine the artifact. Release failing

We previously asked about jobs running in sequence or parallel.

By default, jobs run in parallel.

Yet, here, we clearly need to operate in sequence since the build must occur before the publish.

To define this dependency, we need the needs command.

From the documentation, needs takes either a previous job name or a list of previous job names that are required before this one runs:

    needs: job1
    needs: [job1, job2]

Let’s add a “test” publish job.

Action: Test out the publish YAML - Take 2!

Re-write the current YAML using needs to fix the dependency issue. Mainly, we need to specify that the publish job needs the dist job to run first.


name: Releases

      - published

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Build SDist & wheel
        run: pipx run build

      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: "build-artifact"
          path: dist/*

    needs: dist
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/download-artifact
          name: "build-artifact"
          path: dist

      - name: Publish release
        run: echo "Uploading!"

Let’s add these changes and push!

git add .github/workflows/releases.yml
git commit -m "Fixes build + test publish to CD"
git push

Perform another manual run for the Releases workflow and check the results!

Pipeline passes

We have a successfful pipeline with the proper dependencies and the artifacts!

We are ready to swap out the test publishing step with a more realistic example.

Publish to Test PyPi package repository

Instead of creating a “production” version in PyPi, we can use Test PyPi instead.

Get API token from TestPyPi -> GitHub Actions

Notice: The following requires createing an account on TestPyPi, putting secrets in the GitHub repository, and uploading a Python package to TestPyPi.

If you do not feel comfortable with these tasks, feel free to just read along

To setup using TestPyPi, we need to:

Register Page

Token Page

Secrets Page

Secrets API Page

Now that we have the credentials in GitHub for our PyPi package repository, let us write out the YAML.

Setup CD for publishing to TestPyPi

For GitHub Actions, we can use the Action actions/gh-action-pypi-publish.

Mainly, we need the following to replace our test publish step:

  - uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1
      password: $

The secrets is a way to gain access to and pull in secrets stored in GitHub into CI/CD using GitHub Actions.


Since we will be trying to upload a package, we might get a “clash” with an existing name. If so, change the name of the project to something unique in the pyproject.toml.

After uploading the following, commiting the changes, and doing a “release”, you will see something like the following:

Success actions

Also, you can go to your projects page and be able to see the new package show up!

Wrap up

Now, we have CD setup for a Python package to a PyPi registry!

Feel free to change out the triggers, switch to PyPi, or add multiple PyPi repositories for deployment.

Key Points

  • GitHub Actions can also help you deploy your package to a registry for distribution.