This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)




Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How to design research software

  • To understand design principles and to be able to apply them to research software

Why Design

definition from

In many ways technical debt works like monetary debt. If you don’t pay it off it compounds. The more technical debt you accrue, the more unmaintainable your software becomes.

Many projects have had this happen to them, and most of them end up with a hard reset and having to start over again

In this module we will cover general design principles and those that are tailored for scientific software

Several books are available on the topic of software design

…. and many more

So why do we have this module in the bootcamp ?

Motivation and Objectives

The first and foremost reason is the same as for taking any course that has good textbooks.

A practitioner with experience can make the ideas more accessible. Instructor can perceive when attendees are not following and therefore can try to present the same idea with a different approach and/or perspective. Practitioners also bring their own intuition and experience to the discussion which tend to enrich the information being imparted in a classroom setting.

There are other reasons why software design needs to be included in a research software engineering training. Most of software engineering research and literature targets enterprise software that is in production. Literature is sparse even for exploratory enterprise software. One reason is that understanding the requirements and devising strategies for design of exploratory software is difficult. For industry it may not even be a worthwhile expenditure because before being released and utilized for production all software likely goes through rigorous quality control.

Research software in academic setting is different because it is also the production software. Often exploration and production go hand in hand, which means that quality control is an ongoing process. Therefore it is important to understand methodologies for designing research software that meets research goals while maintaining its reliability without becoming an excessive burden on the developers and the users.

Key Points

  • Investing in design is critical for reliable, maintainable and extensible software

General Design Principles


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What are most commonly used design principles?

  • To introduce common design principles

General Design Principles

Found on the web

These are just some of the links that have more details on these design principles.

Designing Software – High Level Phases

As shown in the figure above, software design has three phases: requirements gathering, decomposition, and understanding connectivity with that decomposition. These phases come one after another, though one can iterate over them as needed.

Requirements Gathering

In the requirement gathering phase the developers gather information about what is needed from the software. As an extremely simple example is writing an integer sorter. At first glance it appears that only requirement is to read in a bunch of integers, sort them in specified order, and output the sorted numbers. However a few other requirements may dictate actual implementation. For example:

It may seem like an obvious approach to take, but if you think a little about what is involved you will realize that failing to get these specifications will likely accrue some technical debt which will have to be paid later through modifications in the code.


Once requirements are known one can proceed to design components of the software. In the sorting example the simplest case of small dataset to sorted through a function call will have just one components. If it is a stand-alone piece of software then it may be divided into three components, one for I/O, one for sorting, and the driver that invokes the other two components. If it is a stand-alone parallel sorter then it may either incorporate parallelization in the driver, or may add another component to handle the parallelization.


This phase of design is devoted to understanding the interdependencies between components. In the stand-alone parallel sorting example with a separate parallelization component we infer the following connectivity:

One immediate concern that you may have is that this approach is not compatible with agile methodology. It is not because complete design of a complex software may need several iterations over the three phases. It need not all happen before development begins. It can happen anytime during the development cycle, and in all probability some or all of the phases may need to be reconsidered as understanding grows.

In the next section we will work through a real life application design.

Key Points

Design Principles Application


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What are some ways of using these principles

  • Work through a simple example

Example 1 – Problem Description

We have a house with exterior walls made of single material of thickness Lx. The wall has some water pipes shown in the picture. The inside temperature is kept at 70 degrees. But outside temperature is expected to be -40 degrees for 15.5 hours.

The question we are trying to answer is – will the pipes freeze before the storm is over

In general, heat conduction is governed by the partial differential (PDE)…


where u is the temperature at spatial positions, x, and times, t, is the thermal diffusivity of the homogeneous material through which heat is flowing. This partial differential equation (PDE) is known as the Diffusion Equation and also the Heat Equation.

Simplifying Assumptions

To make the problem tractable for this lesson, we make some simplifying assumptions…

  1. The thermal diffusivity, , is constant for all space and time.
  2. The only heat source is from the initial and/or boundary conditions.
  3. We will deal only with the one dimensional problem in Cartesian coordinates.

In this case, the PDE our application needs to solve simplifies to…


The code in the repository has three different numerical algorithms

We will work through one of them – FTCS

Requirement gathering



Connectivity – Alternative Possibility

Key Points

  • Understanding process of software design with a simple application

Design Principles for Reserach software


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do design principles differ for research software

  • To understand design constraints for research software

Research Software Specific Challenges

For most of research software we have a positive feedback loop. When we start exploring some phenomenon we devise a mathematical model for it. In the initial stages one typically focuses on one or two most accessible aspects of the problem. So one makes simplifying assumptions. As understanding grows one starts to relax the simplifying assumptions and the model grows more complex. A more complex problem will usually need more complex software and more hardware resources. The more complex problem will in turn lead to greater understanding … and thus the positive feedback loop persists.

This process leads to several challenges that are unique to RS

An addition challenge is faced by scientific software in that verification is complicated by floating point representation

SOLID Principles Pose Some Difficulties

As shown in the figure, some of the SOLID principles do not work too well with RS. For example the Single Responsibility princple can become difficult to follow when there is a lot of lateral interaction become components and computational efficiency demands fusion of operations. In general greater understanding tends to lead to tighter coupling among components. Open/closed principle run into problem when new insights need invasive alteration of either the numerical method or specific implementation details. To avoid unnecessary code duplication it may be best to allow modification in the existing code. Lateral interactions and tight coupling among interfaces can often make it difficult to segregate interfaces, or to avoid dependency inversion.

We will see examples of some of these challengs that we work through in the next section

Additional Considerations for Research Software

Some additional considerations come into play for designing RS that may not be needed for enterprise software. These are:

Key Points

  • Design principles need to be adapted for research software

Research Software Design Example


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • To work through an example of research software design

More Complex Application Design – Sedov Blast Wave


Domain is initialized with pressure spike at the center of the domain. The resulting shock moves out along the radial direction as an expanding circle in two dimension, or a sphere in three dimension. High resolution is needed only at and near the shock, so it is good to use adaptive mesh refinement.

Deeper Dive into Requirements

Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) implies that the spacing between discretized points varies in different sections of the domain. AMR is a method by which data and computation needed are compressed for a computation without significant loss in fidelity. This is especially true when large swaths of domain have little to no activity, while localized portion need a very fine resolution. In Sedov blast wave problem high resolution is needed only along the moving shock, the remainder of the domain can have low resolution.

A standard way of using AMR is to divide domain into block where the distance between points within a block is identical, but different blocks may have different spacing. Blocks may go in and out of existence depending upon how the needs for higher resolution move within the domain. AMR is frequently used with explicit methods, where a block surrounded by a halo of points filled from neighboring blocks form a stand-alone computational domain. Physics operators cannot differentiate between such block with halo cells from the entire domain. Therefore decomposition into blocks serves as a very useful abstraction for spatial discretization. When using AMR some additional machinery is needed to reconcile physical quantities at fine-coarse boundaries.

The mathematical model used for solving Sedov blast wave problem is Euler’s equations of hydrodynamics in a conservative mode. For these eqations, equation of state (EOS) provides closure, and Riemann solution is needed when there are discontinuited introduced by shocks. The reason why many implementations of shock hydrodynamics use Sedov as their test case is because a known analytical solution exists for how far the shoch has travelled.

To summarize the requirements for solving the Sedov problem we need:



Exploring design space – Abstractions

We consider the possibilities of abstractions as a first step in design. In this example we are looking at two types of decompositions: spatial and functional. The spatial decomposition uses a block as abstraction where for functional components there is no way to differentiate between the block and the whole domain. Functional decomposition assumes that physics operators are applied one at a time, and therefore they form the functional decomposition. Once we have these abstractions in place we have to consider other design considerations described below

Other Design Considerations

A Design Model for Separation of Concerns

Separation of Concerns Applied

Takeaways So far

Differentiate between slow changing and fast changing components of your code

Understand the requirements of your infrastructure

Implement separation of concerns

Design with portability\, extensibility\, reproducibility and maintainability in mind

Key Points

  • More complex requirements gathering and connectivity and -implications on design

Challenges of Heterogeneity


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What new challenges are posed heterogeneous computers

  • To understand the challenges to design posed by heterogeneity in computers

New Paradigm Because of Platform Heterogeneity

Addition of hardware accelerators has added another dimension to design considerations. Now the positive feedback loop cycle described before also includes growing complexity due to different type of devices in play. The figure below shows the axes of growing complexity for software design.

Question - do the design principles change?

The answer is – not really

The details get more involved

Go Back to the Design Model for Separation of Concerns

Places where more thought has to be given is in the hierarchy of decomposition and the interplay between finer-grain components. The figure belows shows aspects of hardware and their impact on design choices.

Platform Heterogeneity

And memory access models: unified memory / gpu-direct / explicit transfer

Key Points

  • More computations rely on accelerators, software design should be cognizant of added constraints

Design for Heterogeneity


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How should one design software for heterogeneous platforms

  • To understand how research software design needs to adapt for heterogeneous platforms

Mechanisms Needed by the Code

Underlying Ideas: Unification of Computational Expressions

Make the same code work on different devices

Underlying Ideas: Moving Work and Data to the Target

Parallelization Models

Assigning work within the node

“Parallel For” or directives with unified memory

Directives or specific programming model for explicit data movement

More complex data orchestration system for asynchronous computation

Task based work distribution

Underlying Ideas: Mapping Work to Targets

This is how many abstraction layers work

These are specified either through constructs or pragmas

It can also be the end user who figures out the mapping

In either case performance depends upon how well the mapping is done

Features and Abstractions to be Added to Earlier Example

Mechanisms Needed by the Code : Example Flash-X

Construction of Application with Components and Tools

Key Points

  • More separation of concerns and abstractions are needed



Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Summarize learning for the design module

Final takeaways


A Design Proposal for a Next Generation Scientific Software Framework

Software Design for Longevity with Performance Portability

Key Points

  • Investing in design is critical for reliable, maintainable and extensible software